Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (34)

Chen Lili wanted to stop him from leaving but her friend was bewitched by Xie Beila. How could she forget that this brat liked Xie Beila?

She chose the wrong person to accompany her. She didn't want to be in a room alone with Xie Haoyong and that's why she called him here.

Yet, this brat was easily seduced by Xie Beila.

What a jerk!

Minutes later, the waiter came and brought the wine. Xie Haoyong opened the wine bottle and poured the wine into the glass.

He gave one to Chen Lili and smiled to her warmly.

"Have a taste of the wine. It's from XX in the 90's. It should be up to your taste."

Chen Lili glanced at it and didn't touch the glass. She was wary of him. Not to mention, she was not in a good mood.

"Are you afraid that I will poison you? It's fine. I'll drink it to prove it to you."

Xie Haoyong then drunk the wine. After he was done, he gestured to Chen Lili and indicated that the wine was not poison.

Chen Lili remained unmoved. Xie Haoyong twitched the corner of his lips. Was she not convince by him?

"Why aren't you drinking? I'm sure you'll like the taste."

"No rush. I will enjoy the food first before drinking. You won't mind, right, Mr Xie?"

Chen Lili gave him a smile in politeness. Xie Haoyong gripped tighter on the hand that grabbed the glass.

This woman's actions was unpredictable.

Soon after, the dishes arrived.

Without any hesitation, Chen Lili picked up her chopsticks and ate. She ignored Xie Haoyong and ate to her heart's content.

She was particularly hungry. She didn't ate anything for the past eight hours including the four-hour surgery she just performed.

She wolfed down and enjoyed the food without waiting for Xie Haoyong.

This woman.... Did she not need to care about her image?

After that, Xie Haoyong ate and smiled sinisterly while Chen Lili was not looking. Chen Lili's attention was all on the food and didn't realize it.

The food was almost immediately finished as Chen Lili ate in a very fast pace. She ate a lot and was satisfied of the food.

Xie Haoyong then ordered the waiter to serve the desserts.

"Do you like sweets? I have ordered pudding for you."

Less then a few minutes, the desserts were served. Chen Lili was craving for sweets. When she saw the pudding, it was jiggly and looked delicious.

She picked up the spoon and digged in.

Xie Haoyong watched her ate and narrowed his eyes.

After she finished, she wiped her mouth. However, she didn't want to touch the wine. She was afraid that Xie Haoyong was up to no good.

Xie Haoyong was speechless. Chen Lili didn't want to drink the wine.

After she was done wiping her mouth, she stood up and bid goodbye to Xie Haoyong.

"Since the meal is over, you better keep your promise and stay the f*cking away from me."

Chen Lili walked to the door. But, before she even reached the door, she suddenly felt weak and her knees was on the ground.

What the hell happened?!

Her breathing was starting to get heavier and her body felt hotter. Sweats started to form on her forehead.

F*ck! Was she drugged?!

She didn't even touch the wine.

Was the food drugged instead of the wine?