Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (36)

After arriving at the hotel within ten minutes, Xie Haoyong carried the weak Chen Lili to check in.

He had already booked a room in this hotel. So, he needed to check in only.

The receptionist looked at Xie Haoyong weirdly as she saw Chen Lili's red face and looked like she was not feeling well while she was checking in for them.

Chen Lili was having trouble breathing and her body was very hot to the extent that she wanted to get rid of everything that covered her body!

She couldn't think straight and the only thing that was on her mind was that she was very hot and it was suffocating.

Xie Haoyong saw how the receptionist looked at him and immediately broke a gentle smile to her.

The smile was instantly mesmerized the receptionist and she blushed.

"My girlfriend is drunk."

Added with an explanation, the receptionist nodded and respectfully gave him the card key.

After receiving the card key, Xie Haoyong took the elevator and arrived at eighth floor. He went the room he booked and opened it with a card key.

After he went in, he used his leg to close the door behind. He threw Chen Lili on the bed. A sly smiled appeared on his face.

He went to lock the door and switched off the light before going back to Chen Lili.

Chen Lili was not in her right mind. After touching the cooling bed, she wanted more to feel its coolness.

She started to undress herself. She first unbotton her shirt and took it off. She then threw it on the ground.

After that, she took off her long pants and threw it beside her with her legs. What's left was her bra and her underwear.

Fortunately, she didn't take all off. She then laid on the bed feeling the coolness with her body.

Xie Haoyong, on the other hand, watched the entire scene of her taking her clothes off with excitement.

How exciting.

Xie Haoyong went on top of her and looked at the alluring Chen Lili. Except for her chest, she had a beautiful figure.

"Don't worry. I will make you comfortable soon."

With a lustful desire, he touched and caressed around her body. He lowered himself and licked her neck.

He kissed behind her ears.

However, he was suddenly slapped so hard.

Chen Lili felt something itchy on her ear and with her messy mind, she thought it was a mosquito.

She slapped hard on the 'mosquito' hoping to get rid of it.

The slapped surprised Xie Haoyong and he almost passed out. He thought the drug was supposed to make her weak.

How did she manage to land a powerful slap on him?

Xie Haoyong clicked his tongue. He then took of his shirt and went on top of her.

Chen Lili was kind of in an unconscious and conscious state. The drug were too strong for her to be in a right mind.

She wasn't sure what she was doing and the figure above her were blurry and black.

In a blurry state of mind, she uttered the name of Luo Yixuan softly.


Just then, a door was kicked opened furiously and the black blurry figure in front of her was gone.

Xie Haoyong was just about to took off Chen Lili's bra when suddenly, someone kick him hard.
