Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (45)

Chen Lili could only go back to City A herself.

She felt sad that Luo Yixuan couldn't attend Xu Wenwen's wedding banquet with her.

Two days later, Chen Lili helped out with the morning session and contributed with some ideas on the challenges.

She was also surprised to see the girl who tried to harm Lu Jingyi before. Her name was See Weiling.

She was now dating Mo Zheyuan. To her surprise, Mo Zheyuan took a fancy on her. She would never know the reason.

However, depends on the person, even though their encounter was different from others, their love was real.

At least for now, Chen Lili could see that See Weiling was not the vicious girl of what mentioned to her by Mo Zhexuan.

During the night session, Chen Lili sat with her brother and her close friends.

What upset her was that her every side was displaying their affections which stung her eyes.

Her prince charming couldn't come with her and she was stuck with all the public display affections.

The night of the wedding banquet went smoothly. She went back with her brother and Han Xukun.

She decided to stay for another two days in her brother's house since she took a week of leaves.

She wanted to relax. She thought she could brought Luo Yixuan along. Unfortunately, he had work to do.

He couldn't guarantee that he finish his work early. If he had finish his work and have an extra time or days, he would come and find her.


Next morning.

Chen Lili slept for full ten hours. She haven't slept for that many hours for a long time and she felt really great.

She woke up at eleven in the morning. She went downstairs and saw her brother was flirting with Han Xukun.

Today was the weekend and there's no work for these two.

The first thing she woke up was to see some PDA in front of her. She rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to get some milk to drink.

After that, she had nothing to do. She then decided to watch some dramas in her bedroom.

She missed Luo Yixuan.

When will he come and see her?

Should she call him?

After some pondering, she decided to call him. After a few rings, it was connected.

"Yixuan~ I miss you."

"Who are you?"

Chen Lili was stunned. There's a little girl's voice responded to her.

Chen Lili checked the caller's name and it confirmed that she didn't call the wrong number.

"Are you Big Brother Luo's girlfriend?"


"Really? What do you like about him?"

Chen Lili was not sure if she wanted to continue to talk to the little girl. However, she was charmed by the little girl's cute voice.

"Everything. He's the most important person in my life."

"Ohhhhhh. Then, big sister, you must love Big Brother Luo very much."

"Of course."

After that, Chen Lili heard the little girl was shouting to someone.

"Big Brother Luo, your girlfriend said she loved you very very much and you are the most important person in her life. You have a very very good girlfriend."