Chen Lili & Luo Yixuan (47)

"Lili, why didn't you tell us? I thought you were still single."

Xu Wenwen pouted as Chen Lili kept her relationship with Luo Yixuan a secret from them.

"Ah..... I forgot."

Xu Wenwen : .....

"Alright, alright. Calm down, Wenwen. Anyway, congratulations, Senior, Lili. I never thought the two of you would end up together."

Luo Yixuan then recalled and told them how he met Chen Lili and how they end up getting together.

Lu Jingyi and Xu Wenwen looked at Chen Lili with admiration. Chen Lili was brave and chase her love.

Chen Lili suddenly felt embarrassed. Her face was red.

He even told them Chen Lili was drugged by Xie Haoyong. Both of them felt angry for Chen Lili.

What surprised the most was Mo Zhexuan helped located Chen Lili and Lu Jingyi never heard Mo Zhexuan mentioned anything.

Luo Yixuan explained that he told Mo Zhexuan to keep it a secret.

"Oh, right. Wenwen, here's your wedding gift. Sorry that I miss your wedding."

"Thanks. It's okay, Senior. Work comes first."

After that, they chatted and have lunch together. After lunch, they went their seperate way.

Luo Yixuan brought Chen Lili on a date. They did what most couple do on date. They went to watch a movie and go to karaoke at night.

Luo Yixuan was impressed by Chen Lili's singing. He couldn't tell her that her singing was tone deaf all the way.

She sang so happily and Luo Yixuan was influenced by her cheerful smile.

Even though her singing was bad, as long as she was happy, he was satisfied.

Their date went smoothly and happily. After some singing, Chen Lili felt refreshing. She sang her best and let it all out.

Luo Yixuan then took her to walk around a nearby park. There weren't many people and it was quite quiet.

Hand in hand, they were enjoying the moment together. They found a bench and sat down side by side.

Luo Yixuan took the opportunity to kiss her. Chen Lili was caught off guard by him. She then wrapped her arms around his neck.

Tongues intertwined together, they kissed under the streetlight beside the bench.

They let go of each other after they a long time. Chen Lili's face was crimson red and she was very alluring.

Luo Yixuan was mesmerized by her beauty.

He then took out a ring and put on Chen Lili's finger. The cold sensation on her finger surprised her.

Luo Yixuan intertwined his fingers with hers and looked at Chen Lili lovingly and tenderly.

"This ring is my promise to you. I will stay by your side forever. I won't let you go or let you leave me. My whole life belongs to you now. Even my body is yours now. You can't run away. Even if you run, I bring you back to my side."

Chen Lili was touched and chuckled at his confession. She was so happy and felt blissful to meet Luo Yixuan this lifetime.

"I won't ever leave you."

Chen Lili wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly to feel his warmth. She then used her index finger and circled around his chest mischievously.

"Since your body is already mine, how about know~"

Luo Yixuan blushed slightly and flicked his finger on her forehead. He also stopped her mischievous finger from teasing him.

"Cough, what are you thinking about, little pervert?"