
Author Pov

Y/N is a lazy girl so I will introduce her she is 18 and in her family she has only her brother and mom she doesn't have a dad as her parents divorced 2 years ago .Y/Ns nature is kind, sweet, innocent, childish and her best friend is Jennie Kim. (Well if you all are wandering what kind of name y/N is well actually it means your name. you readers can imagine your name in the script)

Ok so let's move on to the story.


Mom – Wake up your lazy ass

Y/N – Yaah!!! I want to sleep more!! Plss!!

Mom - ...… Wake up .....

Y/N – Okay I'm awake

Y/N Pov

After 30 min I am done with my bath and I change my clothes and go down

Y/N – Mom I am going .bye

Author pov

She drives and go to school and she was looking for her friend but she didn't see her anywhere so she went inside the school.

???? – Hey Y/N

Y/N – (while she was walking in the hall way she heard her name being called so she turned around) Yahhh!!!!!! Where were you I was looking for you outside? (You said while pouting)

Jennie - I am so sorry cupcake. Don't pout you look so cute….. Let's go.

Y/N – Yahhh!!! I already told you not to call me cupcake.

Jennie – You are so cute cupcake .Lets go before the bell rings.

Y/N Pov

We entered the class and saw the teacher coming.

All students – GM Miss. Lee then the class started with the boring less as always.

Time Skip At Lunch

Y/N Pov

I and Jennie were eating and suddenly a bitch came near us. Why is she hear does she want to bully me again?

??? – Hey Y/N how are you. Opps sorry slut. Lol (she and her friends laugh together)

Jennie – Bitch go from here what is your problem with Y/N and you are a slut.

Hyana – Hey chill ! Jennie I am talking to this dumb ass not to you huh she has a mouth to speak right girls.

Girls (Hyana friends) – Right I am sure she has one (wink at you)

Time skip to home

Y/N Pov

I came outside my house and told Jennie to come inside with me and she agreed.

Mom – Sweetheart!! How was your day???

Cheoyoung (her brother) – Noona I missed you.

Jennie & Y/N - Good auntie, Good mom . Bye Chea

No one pov

We got my room and I change my clothes and I give Jennie a party wear and she leaves after her parents come to pick her up.

Y/N – Mom I'm ready what you wanna talk…. (Jennie went home with her mom)

Mom – Y/N eat this I have made kimichi for you and listen tell me you won't angry for what I am saying now.

Y/N – Mom why would I get angry…..

Mom – Y/N I umm….. I am …. Getting married ...

Y/N - WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom - Pls try to understand Y/N I am doing ti for your own good. I love him and he is not like your dad seriously. We will be going to his house today you can meet him then.

Y/N - Mom how can you marry?? I do not want you to be hurt again… Pls mom try and understand I know you love him but still…..

Mom – Y/N pls trust me and we are going to see him after a while ok

Y/N - Mom but if I do not like him I will say no okay?

Mom – you wouldn't say no I know you Y/N. Let's go meet your future dad.

Y/N – Yahhh !!! Mom I have still not agreed for it.

*On the way*

Y/N – Mom does he have any children

Mom – Yes sweetie he has

*At the house*

Y/N – Wow mom I love this house it looks so cool…

Mom – I knew you would love it lets go inside now.

Dad – Dear Y/N so do you like your new house.

Y/N – Yes I love this house it's so pretty

Dad – okay let's meet your brothers now then.

Y/N - okay

Y/N Pov

We walk into the living room and I saw seven handsome man sitting with their eyes glued to the mobile phones in their hands.


We were sitting in the living room and we saw a girl standing next to dad.

Dad – Listen boys she will be your sister from now on treat her well ok.

Y/N – (in her thoughts – They do not seem interested at all)

Jimin - I Dad you know we hate sisters (He shouted).

Dad – I know but still she is not like her understand and do not dare raise your voice at me again now all of you introduce yourselves.

??? – I am the oldest Seokjin or Jin

??? – I am second oldest Suga or Yoongi

??? – I am the third oldest Namjoon or Rap Monster

??? – I am the fourth oldest Hoeseok or J-Hope

??? – I am Jimin or Mochi

??? – I am Taehyung or tae

??? – I am the makne of the group Jungkook

Y/N – Group????

BTS – together we are BTS.

Dad - Honey don't you think that we should eat dinner now. Sweetie I made your favourite dumplings and kimichi..

Y/N – Mr.Kim how do you know I live to eat kimichi and dumplings

Dad - Call me dad or Appa ok…

Y/N – Ok (she said smiling sweetly)

Author Pov

They were all sitting while eating the dinner when suddenly Y/N asked a question.

Y/N – Why you all don't like sister (they look at you angrily and then start eating again ignoring your question) Ok if you don't want to answer its fine.

Dad – Maid please show her room to her.

Maid – Ok sir.

Y/N - Do you know why they are like that???

Maid – they have a sister who they hate and she also hates them you will get to know correctly why when you stay here. Goodnight mam.

Y/N – okay goodnight.

Meanwhile BTS and Dad

Teahyung - dad you know that we hate sisters and what if she is also like her.

Dad - I told you she is not like that she was also depressed years ago .

Jin – Depressed for what.... And for who??

Dad - well her ex-dad used to sell Y/N to bars but her mom had taken Y/N and run away from their…. And she was so depressed but her mom managed to give her everything she wanted…. She is not like that ….. please don't hate her and treat her nicely….. (I felt guilt inside of me)

(all except dad, jimin,and tae) – but dad….. ok we will try…

Tae and Jimin - We won't accept her (and they all went to their room)

Meanwhile Y/N

I like this house, it's so fancy….. Ok I should bath first and sleep after 30 min of the shower and she change into a night wear.

Time skip to morning

Maid - dear Y/N wake up…

Y/N - yahh!!!! (Yawn) I'm awake

Maid - Get ready quickly and come downstairs we all are waiting for you

(You quickly get changed and go downstairs)

Dad – Y/N you will go to school with your oppas and you will also study with them in their school.

Y/N – but… they hate me would they like it?

Dad – Y/N go …. They won't….

Dad - Boys from today onwards you will go to school with Y/N.

Jin – Ok dad. Lets go

Jungkook – Dad are you serious.

Dad - Yes now go before you all get late.

Jin Pov

When we went outside I saw Y/N standing near the car.

Jin – Lets go

Y/N – I'm sorry but if you all are forced to take me with you I can go by bus or by my car.

Jimin – Yeah if you can go by yourself ok!!

Y/N – Ok she said looking down.

J- Hope – Jimin behave … Y/N come with us okay..

Y/N – Okay.

You arrive to school

Y/N – Jin oppa thanks for accepting me she said smiling and jin smiled back at her.

Jin – its fine now go…..

Y/N – Jennie Jennie (she turned around)

Jennie - Finally I thought you are not coming school today anyway lets go cupcake

Y/N – Yep lets go

At class

Mrs Lee – Students we have a new student please introduce yourself.

??? – Hi my name is Kim Ryujin. Don' ever mess with me and get lost.(after that she went and sat in the chair)

The bell rings

Jennie - Next is dance class did you prepare anything

Y/N - No I'll come up with something

In dance class

Jungkook – why is she here?

Jimin – I do not know

V – She is in Y/N class

J- Hope – I hate her…

Suga – Lets go and not waste time on some shit like her

After dance class

Y/N – The teacher is rude but I love the class.

Jennie – Y/N I need to go to the washroom I will see you in the front ok.Bye

Y/N – Ok bye.

Ryujin – Hey bitchy sister….

Y/N – what is your problem did I do something to you.

Ryujin – Girls start.

Y/N – What????

They started to hold Y/N but she didn't know what was happening for her…..