Not a Spy Pt III: (Suspicious for no reason...)

She had giggled.

At this point, most of the people who were paying attention were questioning the little lass's sanity.

Besides the rain, there were no other sounds coming from within the cave and so that sinister-sounding giggle was especially prominent. Though it was only sinister since it came out of nowhere.

It was a little abrupt.

Anyone would find it a little strange if someone just started laughing out of nowhere, especially if it was a suppressed laughter.

It sounded like the girl was concocting some devious plans in her mind, especially since these people were already suspecting her, but this was just because Emilin didn't have much practice laughing in uncomfortable environments, meaning anytime it wasn't just her with her family.

'Has this girl gone crazy from the rain or from sleeping too much?'

Was the thought that ran through the minds of the people who had been observing Emilin for the past two days.