Elijah's Interest Pt III: (Helicopter Arrives)

'Then is his brain going to be impaired for life? I doubt the girl would care too much if that were to be the case...'

Yet another potential problem popped up out of nowhere.

It seemed like this little lass was good at that, bringing him annoying problems that is.

Elijah found the need to question whether the young girl's hypnosis techniques had just made one of the world's most promising Master hypnotists mentally handicapped, in the literal sense.

That would be truly bad for him. A huge loss.

It was good that Emilin had a tick of talking to herself when she was nervous, Elijah could take a peek into her astoundingly simple mind.

["It should be fine. Once I finish here and he snaps out of it, the others shouldn't notice."] The girl Elijah saw on his screen was unnervingly calm about this part, but the following words came out rather strange.