Noah, the model, was currently with his back against a background that resembled the starry sky in the north pole at night, while the suit that decorated his body was of a pale white color.
Light blue hexagon patterns gave the image some color, following a gradient from the bottom up. This was true for both the jacket and the pants, as their colors met and melded in the middle.
The collection that Noah was modeling to advertise for had a theme of how the clothes changed the people and their image. Because of such a theme, they needed a single person to model for all four sets and this opportunity had been given to Noah.
Now the Friendly Spring, Hot Summer, and Distant Fall were all done, but they had been stuck at the Cold Winter due to Mason's vision of what this could be.
He couldn't be satisfied otherwise.
"What part do you not understand?" Mason asked in a frustrated manner.
"Cold but conflicted, quite simple no?"