Leads Pt II: (Tai's excuses...)

In the end, half of the investigation was for not.

The next evening, after a night of overtime from the members of groups 9 and 10, who were likely not going to be sleeping anyhow, they came out with some preliminary judgments.

"It seems that it is very likely that Mr. Xander and Mr. Levi truly boarded that plane on first class, but there were quite a number of vacant seats in first class, business class, and economy class," Liam read off the report in his hands.

That meant that it wouldn't be too hard to mask things thoroughly.

"Group 9 has confirmed that they were unable to find anything wrong with the recording feed and the two men went there alone with no other signs of company. The seats next to theirs were also empty," there was good news interlaced with bad news.

They still had no clue as to why Xander and Levi had made a stop at White City.