

It was becoming harder for me to breathe. I can feel my lungs desperately gasping for air, refusing to collapse despite taking a bullet inside me.

Soon, my vision turns grey, and all I can see is the man running off towards the exit. The girl beside me holds my hand and yells out for any kind of help in the vicinity. But, alas, her efforts were futile. I can gradually feel my end knocking out into my senses.

"Is this where I'd die?" I thought. But nobody dared to answer my question.

My voice croaks for every word I say. Restless, cold, and numb. These were the few characteristics enveloping inside my fragile body, escaping from the life we call reality.

[Eighteen-year-old Blake Heathens. Born in an average family.]

The voice continues to whisper.

[After a few days of the incident, he ended his suffering, but by chance saved a woman in distress. Interesting]

"Who is this?" I said, still gritting my teeth to the painful sting on my chest.

[You do not need to know] The mysterious voice answered.

Silence succumbs to the empty dark space filled with nothing but my consciousness floating away. I knew that my soul fled from my body and arrived hastily in this unknown place yet, somehow; I feel anxious.

"Who are you?" I ask once more, this time adding more force in my tone.

[Do you wish to know?]

Suddenly, a prism of light covers my vision, and the shadow voice speaking to me becomes visible.

"You are?"

An old man appears before me and has a severely long and white moustache flowing down on the ground greeted my eyes. I am also unsure that the land we are standing on is still a platform that can hold our weight. He is wearing a chalky-like cloak paired with an ancient wand similar to his age.

"Are you a God destined to take my soul away?" I couldn't believe my eyes from the figure staring evenly at me.

"Perhaps," He responds. "But not entirely."

Confused, I walk closer and have a better look at his demeanour. However, no matter how nearby I would take a peek, I sense nothing radiating out of his body.

"I am intrigued about your heroicness," He said in a sarcastic tone. "And here I am, granting you another chance to live."

Exasperated, I turn in his direction and face his icy gaze while studying my reaction. Lingering for about a few minutes, I notice that the surrounding environment extends to the horizons.

"I refuse!" my voice yelled out loud. "I cannot revive my deceased parents!"

It was the only reason that I wish; living together with my family once more.

"You cannot escape from this realm," The aged man reappears on my fore while brushing his windswept hair. "Nor can you escape from me."

Every cell inside of me screams in terror as I see a distinct face from his kind expression. My lower limbs refuse to obey my commands, and even my mind wanted me to leave at once. And so did, but my actions were futile in the hands of a god standing before me.

For the first time in my life, I feel terrorised and overwhelmed by the malicious aura excreting from his body.

Soon, the tension gradually vanishes, and the once dreadful feeling immediately disappears.

"You will work for me." With an abrupt snap of his fingers, the world changes in an instant. My entire body got tossed out from the realm and led me tumbling down towards the floor.

"Seek power and bring a change in the world I have created," The old man's voice echoes inside my head as I watch the blue sky getting devoured by an ominous obsidian fog.

The last memory I can recall from the aged man was his sincere smile carved beneath his face and eventually shredded apart by the monstrous titan's hands.

"You can still see them one day."


I remember everything. My previous life, the meeting with the old man, and eventually falling from the skies. It wasn't just a dream.

Before I can even study my surroundings, my five senses refuse to obey my body, albeit breathing profusely overtime. It almost feels like my vessel does not want to move whenever I please. But all of this changed in the blink of an eye.

Technically, my eyes impulsively open in a panic, allowing me to perceive the unknown room.

The dirty hazel walls welcome my sight and the make-shift torches dangling on the corner. I shift my gaze over to my flank and observe dozens of green and childish creatures silently sleeping.

"Goblins?" I asked interrogatively.

Goblins are wandering sprites that are usually mischievous but often malicious and greedy, especially for gold and jewilries. They are almost always small and grotesque, which perfectly fits their description right in front of me.

I watch the male hobgoblin effortlessly lifting one of the baby goblins in his hand and violently toss the being over to the boulder. With a deafening shriek, the goblin child hits its head and dies a merciless and quick death by the parent's own hands.

"What the fuck!?" I wanted to scream and flee from the site, but couldn't because of my tiny physique.

The only option left for me to accomplish is to pray for my safety to the deities above and hope that they would not choose me.

Thankfully, the two of them passed by me and slaughtered five of the total children. Only the seven of us remain, and four of which are grieving endlessly with tears and nightmares.

After satisfying their cravings, the two superior creatures leisurely walkout from the fray, back to the place from where they have come, leaving us, yet again, defenceless and uncatered.

"Finally!" I thought while remembering a more prominent task to achieve.

I need to learn how to manipulate my new body. My body is from an inferior organism amongst the rest of the class. I am not living inside my world. Thus, I need to get accustomed to this new life. Simply overreacting right now would lead me into turmoil than aid me in my conquest.

I have five fingers, small but bulging emerald optics, a brownish cloth, and a piece of metal piercing my uneven ear. These are all the characteristics that I can identify for now, but will probably add up tomorrow morning. I am even astonished to find out that some awoken baby goblins can already crawl using their limbs, unlike what a human child could.

The next morning came, and nothing eventful had happened during the rest of the night. I can only sense the ceaseless blaring snores coming from the dozing sprites on their temporary beds.

Placing my hands on the cold and dirty floor, I crawl my way towards the dead-end right next to the goblin beside me. I then crept back carefully and repeated the steps from time to time. After exhausting the energy stored within my muscles, I stop and recover for a while.

"Ve...ry...har...d...to...sp...eak" I voice out my concerns inside my mind, ranting about the things that I cannot perform.

Much to my surprise- in my first try-I could barely stand up from my post within hours. The unbelievable growth and potential that the goblin holds are immeasurable compared to the lowly beasts. Well, not everyone, I suppose, especially to mythical beings such as the dragons.

"Do they even exist in this world?" I ponder as both curiosity and fright mix through my adrenaline.

Flooded by my thoughts, my balance soon wears off and leaves me tumbling down from where I stood. Hitting my buttocks first, I landed in a thud and woke three members of the sleeping pack of goblins.

"Muurgh?" The closest sprite utters while simultaneously rubbing his belly and tired eyes.

All of a sudden, an array of bright light shines upon them as a circle, including my grounds. The illuminance showers us with the yellowish light and even blinding us momentarily.

[Welcome, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !]

[Name]: {Nameless} [Titles]: {Weak}

[Species]: {Goblin} [Occupation]: {none}

[Age]: {0.02 year old} [Class]: {none}

[Level 1] {Next Level-> 0/1,000 Experience}

[Stat points]-{0}

[STR]- 2 [VIT]- 2 [MEN]- 1

[DEX]- 1 [INT]- 1 [LCK]-1

[DMG]- 1

[M. DMG]-1

[CRT]- 0%

[H. RATE]- 100.%

[C. DMG]- 10.0%

[DEF]- 2

[P. RES]- 1.0%

[M. RES]- 0.0%

[EVD]- 1.0%

— [Health] --- {10/10 [+0.5 Hp regeneration per minute]

— [Arcana] --- {10/10 [0+0.03 Arc regeneration per minute]}

[Elements]: [Earth]

**Note: You can only get Experience upon the extermination of Living Organisms and factors such as Completing Quests in the Guild or doing something that can enhance physical and mental capabilities**


: You have acquired magic! :

-Unlocked Skill!

* [Unblinded!]- A passive skill. Light magic will not affect you. You are also immune to blind negative status.

-Unlocked Skill!

*Language Comprehension- A passive skill that can aid you to understand the speeches of the world. Can level up over time by listening to conversations and/or writing and reading scriptures, texts, and scrolls.

[Demonic]- {Level 1: 2/1,000 Exp} ***LVL UP req. CONVERSE WITH A DEMONIC SPECIES.

[Sprite]-{Level 1: 2/1,000 EXP} ***LVL UP req. LOOK FOR ANY SPRITE WRITINGS.

[Human]-{Level 10: Maximum Experience are met} You can easily talk to humans

[Ancient]-{Level 0:???} Requirements unknown

[Deity]-{Level 2: 0/5,000 Exp} ***Talk to the bald bastard




"What the hell?!"

Similar to the countless RPG's (Role-Playing Games) that I've played, my class as a goblin is the frailest of them all!