Mock Battle (1) Elanor versus Lake

"I guess we would have some change of plans," Elanor unfolds the wrinkled scroll and is about to deliver the content of the entire letter to us goblins.

"The preparation for the upcoming war and the monster horde next month will include postponing Lake White's journey back to the Kingdom of Joker. The two goblins-if they would want to- given a chance to train here in the palace by the King, which is me," The elf's face surveys our reaction before resuming reading the paper. "I advise you lots to come here in an instant! Postscripts, the message is not a suggestion but an official order. Cece will also help monitor the growth of your abilities! Best regards to your town, Lake White. May the gods bless us with the victory that we need."

"They forc-err, I meant to say invite Grer and Izz to the Kingdom but not me?" I concluded.

"Well, it is what it is." Elanor orates while tossing the scripture aside to the delivery man, thanking him for his efforts coming all the way here. "With that, you two may take your leave,"

My two friends would depart from the town with the same carriage that the mail carrier used, with his raptor-like creatures pulling the wagon. I could not stop worrying about the choices of mounts changing into hideous monsters that can eat the rider's life if they are not careful about it.

"But I don't wanna go!" The spoiled Izz buckles herself on the nearby lamppost, not wanting to let go of her grip despite the need for them to return.

Grer does not care at all, especially to where he gets deported as long as there would be free food for him to fill his stomach. A small grub to pay for him to obey your commands.

"Come on, Izz. Honing your strength is for your own good, after all!" I reassure, yet immediately doubting my sentence. We can never be certain of her health if we are talking about Markus. That old man has some eerie tricks in his sleeves.

"But I want to live here!" Her immature side blooms, taking a liking to the peaceful town that she finally calls home. However, there is a war drawing near, and the villager's lives will depend on the power that we possess.

"What will you do if we lose the battle?" I straightforwardly asked, letting her realise the consequences of her actions. If the enemy forces are all dimwits and arrogant, then the fight will end smoothly. But if the tide of the skirmish turns south, then we put everyone in grave danger.

After acknowledging her defeat, Izz stamps her foot on the seats, together with Grer already waiting for quite the time.

I watch them on their way towards the lone road we had travelled before. They have at least two weeks to prepare themselves, enhancing their battle potential and combat power. I, who is also a part of the forces, did not have the chance to exempt myself from this rule.

"Shall we get going then?" With no second wasted, Elanor urges me to come to the field where we will hold the first mock battle to assess my arcane.

Upon coming to the area, I spot a familiar, youthful face sitting at the meadow, with the fluttering butterfly wings and the petals in the distance. The kid should not be here in the dangerous area, where countless spells might hit him, even if it is incidental.

"Hey, kid!"

From afar, I notice his long ears pointing at the clouds, with his sapphire eyes glazing with interest. The child also has a wooden stick with him that looks more than a wand that a blade that I am accustomed to. He also wears light clothing meant for freely moving around, just like in our training.

"Yes, Mr. Goblin! And hello, King Elanor!"

Despite his young age, he addressed me politely, like the royalty beside me. I was expecting for a more frightening expression of a brat seeing a goblin, first-hand.

"You're not supposed to be here in the plain, kiddo." I kneel and caress his stormy bed hair. Glancing up ahead, I noticed another recognisable figure walking up onwards while waving her fragile hands in our direction.

"Mom, you're here!" The boy jaunts towards her striding mother, merry to see her pick up and leave. Or maybe not?

'Ah, I reckon now. The lady is the elf that I saved from the forest fire two days ago,' my rusty mind finally recognised her appearance, with the boy standing next to her thighs.

"He's really fond of you, Viscount, Lake," The mother states while playfully fondling the head of his kid with her proud face looking below. "When you saved my life, he never tires of preaching your name! 'Who's that goblin! Who saved you!', and I couldn't turn down his adorable offer,"

"That's good to hear," I remark while studying the boy waving his wand.

"I want to be like you!"

'In what regard?' I wanted to ask, but kept everything to myself to avoid being rude.

"In what way?" I spouted, forgetting the vow that I made a few seconds earlier.

"I want to save anyone who's in need!" The boy's eyes glimmers with enthusiasm without a pint of deceit from his words.

I recall my mother's words when she was still alive. She said that a kid could never lie and if they did, their guardians taught them to do so. They do not know what is right and wrong, but this kid is going places already!

"Your highness?" I shift my gaze to Elanor, wanting to hear his wisdom on this topic.

He ponders for a while, gingerly thinking if he would accept the child's offer or reject it. Either way would be tolerable for our training, and it won't affect my growth during my battles.

After a short while, Elanor, at long last, nods his head in approval for the kid to join the exercise.

"But I will be strict with you too, okay?" Elanor warns the six-year-old kid about military discipline. I'm sure this is child labour back in my world or inappropriate. That may be the term I am looking for.

"Very well!" Elanor ceases the continue on the topic and encourages the little bloke to join in the fun.

"What's your name?"

"Miguel!" The boy eagerly replied while dancing with his feet, knowing that he will be a part of something big in the war.

Although, knowing Elanor, he will place Miguel together with the families upon evacuating towards the shelter, in case everything turns absurd. Among the elite Elven knights and the armed villagers, this junior mage will also help protect the townspeople.

"You took a liking for mages?" Curious, I asked.

Miguel feverishly nods while exuberantly inclines his head, thrilled about taking part in this simulation.

Elanor shifts his gears and focuses his attention on me, this time readying his stance and letting out his killing intent. An all-out war will begin, leaving one of us standing on the battlefield.

"KId, you might want to step back a little," Elanor meant the suggestion for Miguel, ogling too close from the arena. With Elanor's proposal, the boy backs a bit, enough to maintain a fair amount of distance away from the battlefront.

"Ready when you are, Lake," Elanor confidently said, conjuring the bow that once defeated me in battle. "Let me see how you improved."

[Warning! Elanor activates his King's Gambit]

[Failed to create immunity from the spell. Legendary perks are difficult to counter]

[Your passive spell [unrivalled] is currently in effect within the fight]

[Your passive ability dispels the silence!]

The system that I have notifies me about the arcane that halted the movements of the Worcestershire family. However, due to my unique traits, the Legendary skill did not affect me. Even so, I counterfeited my condition and acted as if I cannot cast my spell, forcing me to engage into hand to hand combat for five second straight.

Elanor did not let me take the first hit as I only saw his after-image of him striking at my rear. His movements were faster than usual but were not enough to outplay the best of me. Unbeknownst to his knowledge, I cast my water jets preemptively and manoeuvre my body to elude his incoming attack. Conjuring another set of spells, I discharge my water spheres and aim directly at his chest, battering him with my magic.

As a veteran warrior himself, he uncomplicatedly dodges the projectiles and keeps the damage to a minimum, allowing both of us to create a distance and reset our movements.

"Not bad for a goblin," He said, wiping off his sweat sliding from his bristle hair, showing that he had a hard time breaching my defence.

I did the same too and consumed sundry resources-arcane-just by fending off his amplified attacks because of the [King's Gambit].

[King's Gambit duration has ended]

The system alerts me, hinting me the glimmer of hope to win this unfavourable match.