Traning Sessions (1)

The entire week became hectic for the village. Even the townspeople have already planted the crops, and the only thing they can do now is to wait for them to grow and eventually harvest them during the season. Beatrice, Delwyn, and Arion are busy preparing the armaments such as mithril and metal blades used for battle. Elanor has his hands full with instructing the elves upon building the infrastructure, leaving Natalia, Miguel, and me to 'self-study' magic on our own.

The individual training was a lot of fun at first, especially by combining my spells to form more powerful attacks. I also feel the immense strength surging through my veins after receiving the S. Class Archery and S. Class added to my system. I got many additional status points during the entitlement and improved my status, even earning five levels up with the class change. My system received fifty additional points and new healing abilities from the new Priest title in my name. These skills will prove useful in crucial times when I can heal a party member amidst the battle.

"I still have 60 more status points from the S. Class Archer and S. Class Priest," I mumble to myself while staring at the blue screen, wondering where to add these numbers.

The numbers blind my eyes, flashing vibrantly in front of me. Never have I expected that there would come a time I need to spend all my status points to enhance my power.

"For starters, the system tells me I am a sorcerer but can wield the quiver and an axe,"

It was the perks of being a priest. The priest can hold multiple weapons at a time that can amplify the damage or healing output of my abilities. Priests, also known as clerics, can heal allies within a range. They can also use their shield if equipped and protect an injured member of the party.

Two more skills appeared in my window, both of which came from my priest's attribute.

-Unlock skill

[Rejuvenate]- heals the current life points of (a) target (s) with the arcane and stamina spent by the cleric. Lifts basic level curses up to Daemon level curses. It is a spell that cannot revive the dead, regrow missing or severed limbs, and create or replace damaged organs. Arcane cost: 150. Stamina (once arcane bar drops to zero) 250.

-Unlock skill

[Buff]- Amplifies the defence, haste, and attack of every party member enlisted in the system.

[8 more skills aren't unlocked.]

It's fascinating to know that I can enhance the regenerative ability of creatures. Its crucial point is to heal the surface wounds of the body and eradicate curses. However, looking at the bigger picture, being unable to restore internal organs and limbs is a big nerf for my class, despite being an S. Cleric.

The theory behind this [rejuvenate] skill is that it augments one's platelets and cells required to heal the body. Even between worlds, nobody has yet achieved the goal of reviving the deceased. And I hope I may be right.

Buffing my allies and me with its considerable amount of enhancement is also a powerful spell that I can use, especially in team fights. There are more unlocked skills that I have yet heard of, so I must discover them sooner than later.

All my priest's abilities come from my Mentality status and magnify my healing capabilities. It also increases my mana and arcane regeneration, hence its value if I place my status points in that section.

I also need to be wary about my speed and intelligence because I am both a mage and a ranger. It is not wise, from my perspective, if I would input my points in strength and vitality. If I am speedy, then my opponents cannot catch me. If I can cast multiple barriers around me, it would be nearly impossible for them to penetrate my skin.

And that's what I did as I eagerly load all my points in my intelligence, dexterity, and mentality equally. Each of them has twenty status points increase, which also boosts my arcane mana pool and speed.

[STR]- 10 [VIT]- 10 [MEN]- 38

[DEX]- 45 [INT]- 60 [LCK]-1

"That should do it," I pound my chest and feel proud of myself that I became more powerful each day.

However, the problem right now is Natalia and Miguel. They both had reached a bottleneck in levelling up their abilities, having no clue where to improve.

Natalia is an elf-magician that knows a lot of sacred abilities that only the long-eared Elves know. She can cast twain elements, namely the wind and ground magic, but feels more accustomed when using the former. [Zephyr], one of her favourite spells, summons up a gentle breeze, but powerful when it lands upon impact. It can blow away any gigantic stones in an instant, as if they were nothing but a sheet.

She is having a troublesome time managing her skills with her finite arcane bar. Although she may not see it without using a system, she knows she becomes exhausted after firing her massive spells, similar to what happened between our match. Natalia has the same mana as mine but has fewer stats upon looking at her information. Her mana restoration is also a problem that she needs to consider. Despite having similar numbers in our status points, she has less mana regeneration compared to mine.

"Have you ever tried projecting the image of your spell with the amount of power you want to include?" I asked, wondering if she knows how to control her arcane.

"Amount of power?" She repeated, with her eyes blinking fast upon hearing the new concept that I spoke.

"Here, let me teach you,"

I place my green, slimy hands adjacent to her palms and form a water sphere projected in the sky. The ball released had a knack of strength that can destroy an enormous boulder despite its size.

Natalia nods to herself as she continuously observes my demonstration while jotting it down inside her brain.

"Next, I will weaken the power of the water sphere,"

I conjure, once again, a ball of water, this time reconstructing its form like a sizable teardrop. Its speed is significantly slower compared to what I had fired earlier, giving her obvious hints for this lesson.

"What's the difference between the former water sphere and the latter?" I quizzed.

"The first water ball has more power, quicker, and condensed in contrast to the last spell."

"Correct," I gave her credit for giving me the right answer while motioning her to step forward for her to give it a try.

The system made me realise that the arcane consumption of each spell varies with its power. If the incantation is more destructive, then it will utilise more magic, while an enfeeble magic uses less mana. Such a simple concept that no books of magic have ever discussed.

"The floor is all yours,"

Natalia hesitates to conjure her spell and feels afraid of failing yet again. She cannot believe that her magic would drastically improve after witnessing what I had summoned moments ago.

With a light tap in her back and an icy stream gushing from her neck, her body gushes out the unencumbered energy by jumping in surprise.

"Please stop that, Lake,"

I return her gesture with an entertaining grin, still waiting for her to mimic the magic I did. Steeling her resolve, she conjures a magic circle and fires the powerful [Zephyr] in the sky, disrupting the cloud's formations.

"That's a powerful one," I regarded while narrowing my eyes to watch the gale blasted from her palms. "Now, try weakening the output of the spell,"

I could see the sweat dripping from Natalia's cheeks as she felt tensed about the occurrence. Recognising my advice, she at long last discharged her spell and arrived at the result we both wanted to have.

The gentle wind blows through the air and hits the nearby bird flying overhead. Fortunately for the little creature, the debilitated spell did not kill or slice its wings, but enough to derange its balance.

"No!" Natalia screams after noticing the quarry flaps its wings desperately towards the branch. Upon reaching its destination, Natalia lets out a sigh, relieved at what she had seen.

"You did well,"

"Thanks," She remarks while looking closely at her palm shivering in delight. "But what exactly did I learn?"

"The power of your spell depends on arcane consumption. An example of this situation is a competition of who could throw the twig the farthest,"

I reached for the lone branch on the soil and arranged myself to hurl the object as distantly away as possible.

"If I exert my strength halfheartedly, the shoot would not reach afar. But if I add more force, then-," I added and catapulted the brown withy from a distance, almost hitting a random civilian resting on the wooden bench.

"The shot will be more robust,"

I turn around and face her, with her eyes still pondering on what I have said.

"I think I get the idea. Thank you," Natalia said and continued to adjust the vigour of her spell.