
"I assumed I'm the only one who had it?" I surmise the topic, pestering the king to give me more answers.

"Well, some of them have it while others don't. But they cannot tap the full potential of the system no matter how long they can tweak its settings," The king explained while sitting on the shell-shaped chair. He wags his finger, imploring me to come closer, right next to the many collections of corals at his side.

I did what he had ordered with my fidgety hands, not wanting to sever any fragile pod of the clams. Despite my meticulous efforts, I accidentally elbowed the marvellous vase and spilt the display ornament before floating on the ceiling.

Fortunately, the king pays it no mind and asks his servant to gather the shattered container and replace it with a new one.

"They are not knowledgeable enough to understand their status information unlike you, Alk White," The monarch added while resting his trident beside him, within reach.