It took us a while before we could kill the humans and elves surrounding us. The mages and archers were the ones that strenuously got killed with my hands. I needed to strike them from behind when the ogre distracted them with his body in plain sight.
Once we defeated them, we emerged victorious on the battlefield. The ogre had left the commander's head as his trophy for war after he swung his blade and eventually decapitated his head. He placed the skull near his throne as decor for his thousand collections.
We scanned the field filled with corpses with monsters, elves, and humans. None of the attackers had survived the strikes as they got trampled by my [hellfire].
It was a one-sided battle, and we were the only ones running rampant on the battlefield. The humans were even desperate to flee from the settings, only to meet the dire wolves chasing their tail.
None of them survived the onslaught and became dinner to these fast hounds.