Speak of the Devil

"I have been waiting for you, Alk White." The ominous figure spoke with confidence and dread as it turned around and faced the villagers and me.

"I just got here!" I squealed, unsure of what to react to the absurd and sudden appearance of this demonic creature. "And how do you even know my name!"

The demon in front of me shares a humanoid appearance, but has two ivory-like horns fused on his head. He also had a dark and reddish skin tone, as if molten rocks got etched on his entire body, with the raging fire burning across his surroundings. The mighty beast showed its mouth and grinned wickedly before us as he extended his wings to each side.

[Warning! You are encountering a demon…]

"I know!" I shrieked again, this time telling my system to hold its tongue (if it ever has one).

But before the demon could even speak his unfinished sentences, the humans came behind us, armed with their usual staff and bows.