Portal Our Way Through

"Welcome back, goblin!" The mixtures of elves and humans greeted me by the gate as soon as they saw my appearance. Each of them held a wineglass in their hands and began cheering my name.

"Congratulations on winning the tournament; all of you!" The Worcestershire's family was aware of the tournament that happened earlier despite being clogged inside their rooms.

There was no television or any means for them to watch the battle, so it made me wonder about knowing that information. I recalled no orbs that could track down our whereabouts, since they did not own one, yet they knew what we did.

"The maids told us about your match." Before I could even say a thing, Arion Worcestershire stepped up and exclaimed with a smile on his face. He felt exhilarated to see me in one piece compared to other contestants from the match.