Taking a Break

"Ain't you the cutest thing,"

"Grer, I swear if you let Gooey release her ball off, I will-," I said, but it was already too late.

Gooey, Grer's pet slime, released a massive sludge on the ground. The liquid could melt anything as long as it touched a state of matter. It had similar power to the slime king, despite having a low-level number.

However, the acid it excretes lasted around five minutes at maximum time. After reaching its duration, the toxic substance will disappear, leaving nothing behind.

"I will clean it up,"

Grer stood up from his seat and placed a wooden plan on the hole, with a sign that said, "Do not walk over, or you will fall." It was the only item that we could find inside this peculiar inn. We made use of the object and blocked the pit for safety purposes.