Another Useless Battle

It was effortless to parched Izz's body and clothes bone-dry. Not that in a sexual manner, but in literal terms. My wind could grasp the tiniest pint of dihydrogen monoxide and heat it by changing the temperature. I cannot still use the fire element, but I can manipulate the temperature surrounding me.

"Thanks." With one phrase, Izz sat beside me and watched the battle.

I scooched over beside her and locked eyes in front of me. Shadow and Imra bared their fangs at Gooey. The slime looked friendly at first glance, but do not let your eyes deceive you. That sludge obstructed an attack coming from the [ruined arrow] and an ability that I took pride in. But it was still not my best shot, as I will prove myself afterwards.

"Begin the match!" Grer shouted.

The two wolves jolted from their post from different angles. Shadow moved to the right, while Imra dashed towards the left. They wanted to pincers the slime and catch it off guard.