Amazon Forest? (Fiftieth Floor)

"See you, ugly face," Ruby said as she left the room.

"Likewise, worthless," I replied, and shut the door.

I turned around and studied my silent room, looking for the things that I can fiddle around. Having nothing to do, I went to bed and gazed at the ceiling. My hands reached for the room, hoping that I could touch them.

"Damn, I looked like an anime character, doing cool things like this," I said while forming a grin on my face.

I closed my eyes and thought of the events that happened to me. My feet felt giddy as I remembered Ruby's face greeting me.

"What a weird turn of events," I grumbled to myself, thinking of the demonic girl who barged inside my room.

I cannot stress how peculiar her visit was to me, but I felt grateful to her. Ruby was a creature who would arrogantly insult you, no matter the situation. Ruby knew she was a powerful being that can create chaos with the flick of her fingers.