Earth Dragon (Seventieth Floor)

"Do you want to try it out?" I asked Natalia, who was now wearing the emerald shoes.

The elf girl gave me an eager nod and put the shoes on her feet. Natalia wiggled her toes and snuck the shoes as if they meant it for her. The pair of footwear gave off a brilliant shine as soon as it felt her feet.

Natalia called forth her bow and readied an arrow. She gripped the string tight and aimed at the hole in the wall. Before launching the bolt, the elf girl vanished from sight and teleported right next to the gigantic boulder.

"Bullseye!" She reacted, and landed a hit on the stone.

The arrow marked the boulder with a crater, deep enough to pierce right through the other side. Natalia did not want to force her attack, so she lowered her speed and strength when she used her spell.