Bad luck

"Calm down mate!" Oliver placed his hand on Aiden's hand and applied pressure to it. Immediately, before the 19-year-old realized what he was doing, Aiden lowered his bow and released his finger from the bowstring.

"I… I apologize, I almost made a huge scene here…" Oliver nodded and looked around, he saw the horror in the expression the people around them and whispered to Aiden.

"Mate, we need to get out of here, I believe someone called the guard and are comin for us!" Aiden nodded and they both continued on their way to the next layer of the city and eventually to an inn.

As they both laid on their own bed, Oliver said to Aiden, "Finally! Some good ol' comfy bed! Rest up mate, we will find a guide and get ourselves out of this place tomorrow!"

Aiden nodded as he stared toward the ceiling, 'What was I thinking earlier? I almost shot a kid down to the ground because of some money being stolen by him'

He raised his hands in front of him and looked at the rough part, 'Is this the effect of living in such a harsh world for a long time? The angel said it would be full of adventure, but all the things I encountered this far are… the sad reality of war and working hard in this world"

The 19-year-old eventually fell asleep on his bed after some time contemplating. But when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely white room, the same white room where he met the angel after he died at his previous life. Just as expected, in front of him was the same young, beautiful angel, bowing to him once again.

"Sir Aiden, I'm sorry, I'm sorry and I apologize for moving you to such a world, do you want me to send you to another world and restart your life there?" Aiden looked toward the angel and sighed."

"Angel… every time I did a thing in the world, I always thought myself as a naïve kid, but when I saw you, I felt like I regained my wisdom" The angel raised his head and was confused.

"Pardon?" He said, confused.

Aiden sighed once again, "Ignore that… Though I really don't like it when I'm at the world, down there, I always hated everything I did, I'm arrogant and wanted those coins. I just realized that I pulled my arrow to kill that one kid… I will live my life to the fullest from now on, I'll finish the adventure and finish what I started. Let the peaceful life I wanted to be in the next life!"

The angel showed him a huge smile as he straightened himself, "Well then, I shall send you back there and wait for us to meet again here! Also, I'll make some adjustment to the system!"

Aiden nodded, and instantly, he heard the noisy sound in his room. He slowly opened his eyes from the sleep and dream and saw Oliver running toward him, "MATE! MATE, DID YA SEE MA'MONEY? DID YA TOOK IT OR SOMETHIN?"

He shook his head and smirked, "Now look! Whose money is stolen? Thank god I still have half of my money in my pouch"

(System does not store money, it's kept to a pouch. But it does store items though)

Still, with a big smirk on his face, he began checking his pouch of money he kept below his pillow and it was gone, "Hey, hey! Oliver! I'm not joking, did you take my money when I'm asleep?"

They both faced each other, that's when they realized they fuck*d up. They both sat at the edge of their beds and Aiden asked, "How the heck did someone enter our room without us, 2 warriors, noticing?"

Oliver shook his head, "Mate, I think it's that c*nt from yesterday, even I took some time to realize that he took yer money! Even I woke up when the c*nt closed the door of our room!"

They both looked at each other and sighed once again, "Well, now, Oliver, we need to get a job or something, at least to sustain our room and food! Let's just go downstair and look for a job!"

"Sir innkeeper, do you know where we can get a job? We lost our money from a petty thief and really desperate for some money" The man, while cleaning glass cups, he pointed to a direction.

"There, you can take some job for some silver coins in that bulletin board, don't take the dangerous quest with a red skull on it though!" Aiden said thanks and went toward the bulletin board with Oliver.

They looked at it for a few seconds and Oliver ripped a paper, "Mate, I will take this! The pay is awesome, a gold coin per day as archery trainer for the city militia!"

Aiden nodded and looked for the job with the most pay while avoiding the red skull mark. Soon, he found one, "Helping a nobleman on training with bow and spar with him. Pay is 2 gold coins per day? Lucky me!"

As immediately as possible, he headed to the location marked in the paper. When he arrived, he was amazed on what greeted him, a not a small house, nor a manor and not a mansion neither, but a castle perhaps could be called a palace, located at the last layer of the city, the layer where only rich people gathered.

He was stopped by a guard, on his heavy, turanic armour, Mamluk armour and a round steel shield, "State your reason to visit the royal palace! Right now!"

Turanic armour, Mamluk full set armour is made of internal chain mail and a big disc around the torso area. The set also has a big round heavy shield made out of metal, a sabre and a heavy helmet. The horses also got some protection. The Mamluk armour itself is used in the late medieval times.

As for the Turanic armour, it's used in the central Asian Turanic tribes. This includes the sultanate of Delhi, Mughal Empire, Tatars of the Golden Horde, Ottoman Empire, Mamluk Sultanate, etc. It also differs from countries to countries.

(I apologize if there are any mistake regarding the armour, the information I got is very limited)

Aiden grabbed the folded paper from his pocket and handed it toward the guard that looked at it immediately, "Wait, I will inform his majesty regarding this matter and return in a short time! Wait here and don't go anywhere"

Aiden nodded, 'I'm not even sure if this is the right place… but if the guard reaction is like that, there are about 90 percent chance of this being it... I need to prepare my bow and sword to train the noble then!"

[Equipped Gakgung bow]

[Equipped Dainsleif]