Beginning of my new life

After what happened. The tragic was unforgettable. They found Ishino's body burned in crisps. I thought it burned to ashes. I see Shaina preserved it, i'll have to thank her somehow later. However, no one knows where i am, they thought i died as well, i went home quietly and took a bit of money. I'm not stealing! It's my pocket money i was keeping, this was for Ishino's birthday present. I guess i can never give her one now. I needed to do this for myself and for Shaina. I want to be useful to someone. Unlike before, i was weak and scared. Now i'm definitely stronger.

Shaina: Now we'll make this our hangout for now.

We were in a shrine that time.

Shaina: Convenient right?

Maika: What do you mean?

As we talk i sneaked and took a peak at Ishino's funeral. I cried, but i promised myself that day, i won't cry anymore. I will be stronger and protect innocent people.

Shaina: The people thought you're dead and now that you have your new look, i bet no one will know that's you.

Maika: When will i see my family again?

Shaina: I don't know yet. Maybe once you make it out alive with me in this mission.

Maika: What exactly are we going to do?

Shaina: We're going to slay a dark lord.

Maika: Dark lord?

Shaina: Yes, I've told you before i'm a devil.

As we talked, i kept on walking everywhere, i have no idea where i'm going but i just kept moving forward.

Shaina: I've been tasked to kill the dark lord Zargon. There were suppose to be 2 more devils sent here in Earth. But i guess we'll meet at the gates.

Maika: Wait... I'm lost Dark lord? Devils?

I always thought they were only fictional characters, they aren't suppose to be real.

Shaina: Yes, our lord Satan, has tasked us to kill the dark lord before they summoned the new dark lord. I was selected to be one of the three. Although, i don't know who's the other 2 that has been chosen.

Maika: What exactly is your deal with this dark lord and how are we going to kill him?

Shaina: Good question. First i collect souls from useless humans, then i go the underworld, then i kill the dark lord! Easy as pie!

Maika: How are we going to go to this underworld place?

Shaina: Underworld is the place where the dark beings live. They devour souls as their life sources and kill humans.

Maika: Oh i've read in lots of article, lots of people were found dead a lot these times.

Shaina: Because, they might be finding the chosen one.

Maika: What do you mean?

Shaina: Once in lots of years. The dark lord has to have a sacrifice, a woman that is pregnant. She has to give birth to the new dark lord and it will cost her life. If the new the dark lord is born, the prophecy says it can defeat hell and heaven in an instant. The next dark lord will be the strongest.

Maika: So, where's this chosen one?

Shaina: If she isn't found yet then they'll keep slaughtering humans and take their souls to become their minion.

Maika: We're up against angels and dark beings?

Shaina: Undead as you can say. Someday they'll find her and take her to the underworld we have to kill the dark lord before it's over. She can be a vessel for a devil but she's pregnant so she has positive feelings and a devil can't take her if that's the case. Devils only possess humans when the humans wishes it.

Maika: I see. So how will we go to the underworld?

Shaina: You'll have to be a murderer.

Maika: What?

Shaina: You'll take souls from humans that's natural.

Maika: I was suppose to be saving them not taking their lives.

Shaina: I know, that's why i have a plan.

Maika: What plan?

Shaina: You'll agree if you kill bad people right?

Maika: That's... depends on the case.

Shaina: I thought so too.

Maika: So if we kill enough souls we can go to the underworld?

Shaina: Yes with enough souls you should withstand the pressure of the underworld but... we have to find the gatekeeper which might took a while.

Maika: What?

Shaina: It's hard to track the gatekeeper. You need to defeat the gatekeeper to go through the gates and find the other two devils. Because we need to activate and open the gates together, if one fails we won't be able to go to the underworld.

Maika: That sounds lot of work. Especially searching for the gatekeeper.

Shaina: I'll find a way don't worry. For now i'll train you. You need to get stronger if you want to be a savior right?

Maika: I just want to be useful to everyone.

All that things went to me straight on. It was confusing. But I understand most of it. I'll need to be a killer to save people.

Maika: So what do we do?

Shaina: We'll go over to a place where there is a human war.

Maika: What do you plan on doing there?

Shaina: We'll kill the guys you judge that is bad people.

Maika: I see...

I might be scared... but if it's going to make me stronger and tougher.

Maika: I'll decide, so don't go all out until i told you to.

Shaina: Sure thing, by the way i'm one of the strongest devil in hell so count on me.

Maika: That's reassuring but how exactly are you going to train me?

Shaina: Just trust me.

She moved my body on a way i've never moved before. I was exhausted everyday. I manage to get by on just little money i have. Shaina would always brought me food with cat form. I suddenly think of her as my friend. A friend like Ishino. I will not lose her this time. We were together as she trained me. Everyday was hell. She trained me lots.

Few months later.

Shaina: Here we are. This battle field is your power source. All those emotions fear, rage and passion.

Maika: Well... if it's going to save people count me in.

I was in a warzone where two sides are battling. I watched as lots of humans die one by one. This was just the beginning, there's more to it.

~To be continued~