Evil side

After failing to retrieve the chosen one, we continued killing humans and taking souls. From that time i didn't think what would my family think of me or what my big brother think of me if he saw me like this.

As usual we came back to our hideout after a long day.

Maika: I don't feel anything from killing humans anymore...

Shaina: Devilish emotions are growing in your heart or should i say it swallowing your humanity.

Maika: Am i a devil too?

Shaina: In the people's eyes yes. But don't you have your own reason why you keep fighting?

Maika: Yes, i failed to save another person from bad guys. I felt disappointed and frustrated. That good wife just wanted a peaceful life with her husband. But now her beloved one died. I couldn't save him or her.

Shaina: That's why we should both get stronger and make them pay.

Maika: Right, i won't cry anymore. Ishino, i'll get even stronger to protect people like you did to me.

Shaina: I bet Ishino can't forgive you for killing people that's innocent. But it isn't you who killed them it's me.

Maika: You're right, but she told me i should act what i think is right.

Shaina: Well if you say so.

Maika: I'll rest no-

I felt a presence of someone.

Maika: Shaina, someone is watching us.

Shaina: Yeah. It seems like they're not one of the dark forces though.

Maika: Who's there?!

No one responded instead, it was a silent night.

Maika: If you don't answer now, i'll have to catch you.

Still no one responded.

Shaina: Wait! It's a human.

Maika: What? Why should they be at this place at night?

Shaina: Beats me. Probably looking for some evil spirits or something, just kidding.

Maika: Hey, i know you're there, show yourself, i won't hurt you i swear.

The person showed up and she was a little girl.

Maika: Why are you here little girl?

"I was looking for evil spirits..."

She really was looking for evil spirits!

Maika: What?! I mean... what do you mean?

I said that with a sweaty face.

"You big sister are possessed by an evil spirit, i must exorcise it!"

Maika: I'm not what do you mean?

Shaina: She's quite skilled for a child.

Maika: I'm not possessed by an evil spirit.

"My dad said if this lamp shade suddenly lost it's light means there are evil spirits nearby, big sister you're possessed!"

Maika: So, what if i am what are you going to do?

"I'm must take you to my dad and let him help you."

Maika: Which is? Where?

The kid panicked a bit...

Maika: Where? Little girl?

The girl started to cry bit by bit.

Maika: Don't tell me you got lost while following me?

"Yes... i was just walking with this lamp shade and when you passed through it went out. After that i followed you and forgot which road to take to go home..."

Maika: Okay, i get it, uh... what's your name?

"I refuse to tell my name to evil..."

Maika: I'm not evil...

As i said that i might've said a lie. But...

Maika: I won't hurt you little girl, i promise!

"Promise? Dad said that all evil spirits hurt people, so i must exorcise them. You're not a bad woman, big sister?"

Maika: I'm not i promise. My name is Harima Maika, how about you?

Akami: Kuruma Akami... that's my name big sis.

Maika: Akami, yes so cute Akami.

As i smiled at her, she also smiled at me.

Akami: Oh no, I must not be fooled by evil beings.

Maika: I promise Akami i won't hurt you.

Akami: Okay big sis.

Maika: So what do you want to do now?

Akami: I want to exorcise you, but i'm too weak and i'm not good at it yet.

Maika: Besides exorcising me?

Akami: I want to go home...

She started to looked worried.

Maika: Well why don't you spend the night here? It's dark and there might be true bad guys that might hurt you if you go.

Akami: No! I won't stay, i'm scared of you.

Maika: I told you i won't hurt you.

Akami: I still don't like big sister.

She ran away from me and went to the forest alone.

Maika: That's not the way back to the city Akami!

I followed her.

Shaina: Why do we need to follow that human? I'm tired.

Maika: Let me borrow your powers just a bit.

Shaina: In the end you're still a justice kid i see. Fine i'll lend you my sword, you can only use it for a little bit.

Maika: That's enough time!

I followed the way she ran and ended up in a road. I saw her running in a dark alley. I ran after her as. I looked around the corners and no one was there.

Shaina: The human is just ahead. Finish this so i can sleep already.

Maika: Right!

I saw Akami getting carried by kidnappers and tries to put her in a van.

Maika: Akami! Howling blade, silence flame cut.

I slashed the tires of the van.

"We can't move, the tires are busted!"

"This woman!"

A gun?! This guy... A gun ruined my life, i won't let you ruined her life as well.

The man shoots as he carried Akami and ran while shooting i kept chasing after him.

His other guys were shooting at me, I looked back and quickly slashed every single one of them.

I didn't care if i was identified.

Shaina: You'll be a celebrity tomorrow Maika.

Maika: Howling blade, burning slash.

I slashed the guys and went after Akami.

Shaina: I'll eat their souls thank you.

Shaina devoured their souls...

Maika: Where are they Shaina?

Shaina: There at the roof!

I jumped up to the roof of an apartment. This incredible physical abilities are useful at times like this. I was already a superhuman, no i was a devil.

I saw the man pointed a gun on Akami's head. She was little, her black short hair and cheerful cute and strict face. But she looked hurt and unconscious.

Maika: You hear me? If you hurt Akami, i'll murder you and your family!

Shaina: Devilish woman, scary.

"I don't care i'll kill this kid if you won't stop!"

As he continues to point the gun at Akami, my rage couldn't hold back itself much longer. I attacked the man and before he could trigger the gun.

Maika: No you don't! Howling blade, blazing fire!

With my rage slashed the man's arms and grabbed Akami. Luckily she's unconscious so she won't see the evil in me.

"My arm! You monster!"

Maika: You took a child, a crime, aren't you same as me? Although a monster. I'm used to people calling me that!

"It hurts! My arm!"

Maika: I'm not Shaina so i won't burn the whole place with, this but you. I'll make your death fast don't worry. Burn to ashes.

I looked back as the man burns and dies.

Shaina: Eaten his soul by the way.

Maika: Do as you like.

That was the day my true evil side showed itself.

~To be continued~