Battle in Kuruma Temple part 2

What did he do? He destroyed the evil presence? How? We trained that technique like for months...

Few months ago, after we devoured lots of souls.

Shaina: There's something i need you to learn.

Maika: What is it?

Shaina: We high ranking devils have something called Evil presence. It's like a barrier for all beings and a change of place where we can control all of our devil power. While it is activated, it also takes a lot of stamina but it doubles no... triples my strength as a devil.

Maika: Isn't it a lot of work?

Shaina: Only high ranking devils can use this technique. But it takes a lot of devil power so i'll need to train your endurance.

That training was hellish literally and figuratively. It was so hard to keep up.

But this old man just...

Daisuke: I won't hold back and kill you devil. I know you're headed for the underworld to kill Lord Zargon.

Shaina: This guy might be a big trouble Maika, think we can handle him?

Maika: Why are hesitating?

Shaina: You're scared aren't you?

Maika: I am, that person is important to Akami and were about to kill a person who just destroyed your evil presence by just releasing his sword.

Daisuke: If you're not going to move i'll strike first!

He dashed in front of us and slashed Shaina. She blocked it with her sword. But Shaina immediately backed off.

Maika: What's wrong Shaina?

I looked at Shaina and her sword was destroyed.

Shaina: This sword absorbs souls so it weakens us.

Ginrai: Good job figuring that out. You're smart for a devil.

Shaina: Well thanks. Not that it helps though! Howling blade, dance of the devil princess!

She kept slashing the sword but Shaina's blade keeps disappearing while slashing the sword.

Shaina suddenly backed off to think.

Shaina: This is a bit troublesome.

Daisuke: Soul sword, direct attack!

He tried to stab my chest but Shaina manage to block it with her sword, but...

Shaina: Damn!

The sword broke and stabbed me in my chest.

Ginrai: If it keeps stabbing you for a long time, you'll run out of devil power and you might die you know.

Shaina: Howling blade, burning impact!

She slashed the sword and burned Daisuke but...

Shaina: We should fall back now.

Ginrai: Not happening. Not unless you defeat me or destroy the barrier.

Shaina: Damn... I'm losing my devil power. He absorbed too much souls.

Maika: Switch!

Shaina: What no! You'll die there you know!

I can't do anything about this.

Maika: I know but i'm okay. You stopped the bleedings so i'm good.

Shaina: What do you plan to do?

Maika: I don't know.

Shaina: Switch to me.

Maika: No, if you reach your limits, you'll run out of power and die with me.

Shaina: Rather than die without fighting back right?!

Maika: There must be something i can do.

I didn't know what to do. In a swing of sword, he manage to remove the fire from him and he's actually not harmed?

Shaina: I need to use my full power...

Maika: What are you talking about?

Shaina: You might not control me anymore, if that happens because you haven't mastered my full potential.

Maika: If it's about living...

Shaina: I might kill this guy. But there is no choice.

Maika: I can't...

Shaina: If you keep worrying about things you'll die! Decide now!

Maika: I can still watch right?

Shaina: Just shut up and watch. See this through.

Ginrai: Little girl? You must be worried about what's going to happen right? Don't worry i'll make your deaths fast right master?

Shaina: Are you done now?

Ginrai: Her devil power increased drastically.

Shaina: Evil presence, volcano, howling blade, phoenix form!

A huge flame spread out to the lands and the place was soon engulfed by flames.

Ginrai: She even destroyed the barrier. Impressive, if i didn't protect myself i would've been burned to ashes.

Shaina: Let's start our feast!

Daisuke: She's gone berserk! Soul sword, erasing power.

Shaina engaged attack to Daisuke and kept slashing him, as he tries to swing Shaina keeps pushing him.

Shaina: Burning impact!

He burned but manage to repel it and landed a blow on Shaina.

Shaina: Not yet! Dance of the devil princess!

She kept on dancing as she keeps on slashing while regenerating and continued attacking.

They both landed blows on each other. Daisuke seemed a bit off. He looks tired and pale. Besides on being in a volcano he's also carrying the burden of the sword.

Shaina: This man is truly strong. No human can withstand the heat of this presence. But he's so strong he's using the sword as his cool point and attack me at the same time while continues to take my souls.

Daisuke: I shall end this!

Shaina: Yeah, i must end your pain right now. You're suffering too much and it makes me fired up!

They both engaged and each had one slash.

Daisuke: Soul sword, breaking presence!

Shaina smirked...

Shaina: Howling blade phoenix form, sun flash.

They passed through each other. I felt a strong feeling to my right arm and saw a huge explosion.

They were both exhausted, the evil presence is gone and Daisuke... he told me something as we passed each other.

Daisuke: Save my daughter please.

We were both hurt but, with the flash i cut his body in half and he exploded into bits. Blood flowed everywhere. His soul went to heaven.

When i switched with Shaina, Ginrai was already inside the shrine, i was a bit off. But i followed the trail and burned the evil wards. As i went up i saw Ginrai, holding Akami.

Maika: Aka...mi...

Shaina was out cold so it's up to me to save her.

Maika: Why are you up here at the shrine...?

Ginrai: I wanted to see you despair!

Maika: Let her go...

Ginrai: Oh step out little girl. Watch me take her delicious soul.

Maika: Don't hurt her...

My conscience was fading but i slapped myself.

"Don't hurt my daughter please..."

Ginrai: Shut up bitch!

He punched Akami's mother in her chest and grabbed her soul and absorbs it.

Maika: Damn you... Howling blade, burning presence...

The sword was gone...

Ginrai: Nothing you can do... This shrine is mine now. By the way didn't your devil told you about it? I'm the real owner of Soul sword, that wasn't the real power of it but you can't defeat that guy easily, there's no chance in hell you're saving this girl!

Maika: Kill me... just don't hurt her...

Ginrai: Don't worry after her i'll kill you too. Watch and despair in front of me!

Maika: No... Akami...

I can't even scream, i'm too weak to even move now.

Ginrai punched her chest and absorbed Akami's soul. Once again i didn't save the one close to me. The one who gave this flower necklace, the one who cheered me up, and the one who smiled for me... saying i'm not a bad person.

I tried to stay awake as i can. But i couldn't take it much longer. Akami died. Shaina is out cold. His whole family was murdered. Ginrai... I swear i'll kill you.

Sorry Daisuke... i didn't kept my promise with you. I couldn't save your daughter.

I cried while trying to stay awake.

~To be continued~