Being the Captain

The next day our mission was huge. It was finally to put an end to the terrorists. We found their hideout and was about to attack them.

"Captain, our squad is ready to deploy!"

Kuzumi: Good! Guys sorry about last time, i swear today i won't let anyone die. I'll be rational and let's take down those terrorists.

Our morale was good. I was thrilled for the first time. Hanawa was beside me. She was happy that i'm back to normal. But i used my sister as my motivation.

About me and Hanawa? Ahhh, me and Hanawa are always together. When i was promoted to Captain she was my Lieutenant. She was a brave woman. She was in a lot of battles.

Hanawa: Reporting sir, this is Lieutenant Umaki.

Kuzumi: How's the situation going, Lieutenant?

Hanawa: Apparently this terrorists have some kind of bomb planted at one of our camps near their hideout.

Kuzumi: We should smoke those bombs out.

Hanawa: Can we determine the location of those bombs?

Kuzumi: Oh yeah, how will we determine the bombs' location?

Hanawa: Keep it together Captain! Or you'll lose the lives of your men.

Kuzumi: Right, right! Use the bomb trackers! Lieutenant go back to the camp.

Hanawa: Roger that Captain.

Hanawa was undercover that time. But she was stuck at the enemy's territory.

Hanawa: This is Lieutenant Umaki over.

Kuzumi: What's wrong, Lieutenant?

Hanawa: Captain, send back up, the enemy has suspicions on me. I took out both guard but i don't think i'll last if they found me.

Kuzumi: Activate your GPS, i'll go there myself.

"Captain? You should stay at the camp!"

Kuzumi: What do you mean? I should stay here and watch her die?

"That's not what i meant sir!"

I also got my friend Izaki Walter. He's also a Lieutenant. He has feelings for Hanawa. He got rejected by Hanawa by many times but hasn't give up yet. He's a good guy. He always think losing me will be a huge loss for the squad, even though i'm just a guy who got promoted due to decisions and my family status. One time i asked him something after a certain mission.

Kuzumi: Hey Lieutenant.

He looked back saluting.

Walter: Sir! What do you need from me?

Kuzumi: I'm going to ask a question.

Walter: Oh, no problem sir go ahead.

Kuzumi: Why don't you want me on the battlefield?

Walter: Sir can i talk informally?

Kuzumi: I don't mind. Go ahead.

Walter: I judged that you're not only a rich guy. You have what it takes to be a Captain. I respected that. At first i didn't like the idea that someone who didn't have any experience in battle has to be our Captain. But now i understand. Your quick decision, putting yourself in the line for your men, and the gamble you do just to prove your worth is indeed respectable. That's why sir.

He was the first person who respected me in my life. He didn't call me failure. After that we became friends and helped each other in the battle field. I even comforted him when Hanawa rejected him. He wants to rescue Hanawa so he can prove his love for her.

Walter: Leave Lieutenant Umaki to me sir.

Kuzumi: I know what you think. But it's better to go there in numbers, i'll take charge of the rescue operation. I'll let you rescue her Walter.

Walter: You got me there Captain, although we should focus on the mission for now.

Kuzumi: Yeah, get ready to dispatch.

Walter: Sharpshooters squad 1 get ready, we're rescuing Lieutenant Umaki on the field.

I polished my gun for a bit to get ready.

Kuzumi: Hang on Lieutenant.

We went to the warzone where Umaki is located.

"Sir! Lieutenant's signal is right around that area."

Kuzumi: Lieutenant Izaki. Confirmed. Go scout the area. Team 1 go with Izaki. Team 2 To your positions. As planned team 1 will protect Umaki and team 2 shoot all enemies.

"Roger that!"

Team 1 went to the location of Hanawa. While we keep watch.

Kuzumi: Lieutenant Umaki! How are you?

Hanawa: I don't think i can go out in hiding. There are snipers anywhere in here so i might got caugh-

"Sir the signal cut!"

Kuzumi: Damn! Team 1 hurry! Don't worry Izaki we got your back. Team 2 spot the snipers and take them out!

I also searched for the snipers at the area.

Kuzumi: This is sharpshooter Captain Harima. We need air support.

"This is alpha 3. What's the situation?"

Kuzumi: Before you enter, we'll try to take care of the snipers but we can't smoke them out. So you'll have to shoot every building in the distance once we give our signal.

"This is alpha 3, roger that Captain. Standing by."

Kuzumi: Team 1 what's the situation?

Walter: We haven't seen the lieutenant.

Kuzumi: Her signal cut, maybe her radio broke.

Walter: That's not good.

"Sir, she's moving north!"

Kuzumi: That's where the enemies are! She must've been captured. Team 1 her location might be a trap so scout the area and beware of traps. Contact the snipers in position in that coordinates and ask them if they saw the lieutenant.

"Sir our snipers haven't responded."

An explosion occurred.

Kuzumi: We've been spotted! Open fire! Team 2 right side find the snipers in the area i want them dead. Team 2 left side shoot the enemies at the ground and provide support for team 1. Go! Go! Go!

We shot the enemies below. And manage to blow them off. We changed our locations.

Kuzumi: Don't worry We'll be right there Hanawa.

"Sir! Her signal is this way!"

Kuzumi: It's Umaki! Team 1, Umaki is 10 meters away from you. But she's surrounded by enemies and is unconscious. Recover her before they transport her.

"Sir we saw a vehicle going to transport Lieutenant. It's 50 meters away!"

Kuzumi: Hurry! Team 1 we'll back you up! Team 2 right what's your status?

"Sir! We found snipers at this side, but i don't think we can shoot all of them down."

"Sir the vehicle is close!"

Kuzumi: Team 2 left! Shoot enemy forces, we'll deal with the vehicle.

"Roger that sir."

Kuzumi: Team 2 right we're going to shoot every terrorist in that...

"Sir bad news! We can't it's a armored vehicle!"

Kuzumi: What should we do? Damn!

Walter: This is team 1, 4 casualties cause, mines.

Kuzumi: Medic squad on field in team 1 coordinates over.

"Roger that sir."

"Captain! This is bad, they're coming."

What should i do? Should i take out the guys who got Hanawa? What if i shot her? What if i fail? If i fail she dies. What should i do?

I remembered Hanawa said something...

Hanawa: Get a grip Captain!

Damn Hanawa!

I see now i can see how we can escape this disaster.

Kuzumi: Time to hunt.

~To be continued~