A Captain's duty

Currently we are in position where the terrorists will be spotted. We are ordered to take out anyone in sights, we are also ordered to support the ground troops.

Before we dispatched.

Kuzumi: As planned the one above is team 2 who'll keep an eye out on the terrorists in front. Team 1 will be on the supporting side. Lieutenant Umaki will give the orders on the field. But when i ordered an immediate retreat fall back immediately.

Hanawa: Understood Captain.

We dispatched and quietly positioned ourselves safely. Before Hanawa goes to their position...

Kuzumi: Hanawa...

Hanawa: What's it Captain?

Kuzumi: Be safe out there, i promised to Walter that i'll protect you.

Hanawa: Alright, alright. Stop worrying Captain. Get a grip! I'll be fine.

Kuzumi: Open your GPS just incase.

Hanawa: Roger that. We'll stand by now.

Kuzumi: Good luck Lieutenant.

Hanawa: Likewise Captain.

"Everyone in position?"

"Yes sir."

Kuzumi: This is sharpshooter squad 3 in position.

"Captain, we've identified 2 terrorists."

"Squad 3? This is 1st battalion ground squad. We're almost at your distance."

Kuzumi: Roger that. Commander, requesting to open fire.

"Request approved, open fire!"

Kuzumi: Team 2 fire.

My team opened fire and the gun shots begun.

We've shot lots of enemy forces at the distance.

Kuzumi: So far so goo-

A huge cannon fired at the ground and mines exploded.

Kuzumi: Team 1 look out for landmines!

Hanawa: Yes sir. We've been deactivating them as we speak.

Kuzumi: 1st battalion? What's your status?

"We can't see ahead smoke bombs. Requesting support."

Kuzumi: Find the smokers!

"Sir affirmative, the enemies are around that way."

Kuzumi: Team 2 shot them dead.

A bullet shot through one of my comrades.

Kuzumi: What the-

"Sir snipers!"

Kuzumi: They spotted us first, damn! Team 2 left side continue to support ground. Right side, search for the snipers without dying understood?!

"Yes sir!"

Kuzumi: Lieutenant?! How's your status?

Hanawa: We're currently on a problem with those snipers ahead. The ground troops can't move. We'll have to wait until the smoke disappears. But still those snipers might spot us.

Kuzumi: Take cover and try to spot the snipers and take them out.

Hanawa: Affirmative.

"Sir! We've found one!"

Kuzumi: Let me handle the shooting. You go ask for the situation on the left side. The rest keep searching and open fir-

A bullet shot through again and almost hit me that time.

Kuzumi: They're everywhere. We must smoke them out.

The enemy sniper shot through my scope that broke it.

Kuzumi: No need to change my rifle if i do they might shoot you guys, i'll end him. This gamble might be bad but, i've got confidence in my aim!

I shot the sniper and bull's eye i hit his head.

Kuzumi: One down.

"Sir the situation on the left side is good. The team 1 found most of the snipers. Left team supports the ground soldiers and they're advancing."

Kuzumi: Good job Umaki. How about you guys?

"Sir two down. We found 2."

"I bet there are still few so smoke them out."

Kuzumi: He's right go guys i'll ask for the situation of team 1.

At that moment everything was going smoothly.

Hanawa: Everything is good. We're advancing.

"Sir! We have big problem. There's a kid in the road."

We saw a girl with red tall hair and wears school uniform.

Kuzumi: What's she doing there?

Then suddenly a huge fire broke out and the ground battalion and lots of explosion occurred. The landmines exploded lots of them. When i retrieved my conscience. I saw my comrades dead. The building we're on collapsed and my men we're all dead and injured.

I found one of my most talented sniper comrade headless. The other one was shouting for help while he separated from the half of his body.

The radio was working.

"This is commander! We're retreating, we've encountered a huge impact to our forces on the field. Most of them we lost contact. Those who can hear this, retreat immediately. Abandon the mission."

I was spared. I just got scratches. I immediately evacuated the building, feeling guilty that i left my comrades to die there. I couldn't do anything. The medic team was sent on the field but was caught up in the explosion so they can't help others. As the captain, i searched for some of my injured comrades that can still walk.


He's one of the team 1!

Kuzumi: Hey! What happened?

He's the subordinate of Hanawa.

"I can't survive Captain, at least save lieutenant. She's over that way."

My GPS is still good i think i can still track her. I saw the signal over the way he pointed.

He got his chest stabbed with a metal. I couldn't lift it. I was so guilty i desperately helped him but he died already. I ran on the direction he pointed at. And saw lots of parts of bodies blown away. I knew most of them. My comrades burning, my comrade's body parts all over the place. But i hurried and search for anyone.

The GPS signal i found was there but Hanawa wasn't.

Kuzumi: Anyone?!!! Answer me if you're alive!

I saw another buddy of mine get smashed by boulder in his face. I almost vomit.


I heard those words and rushed to where it was calling out for my friend.


I rushed and continued to search for her.

Hanawa: You're too noisy Kuzumi....

I saw her on the ground without...

Kuzumi: Hanawa your arms...

Hanawa: It seems like they flew away from me hehe...

She lost too much blood.

Kuzumi: Let me call the medic team...

I panicked and didn't know what to do.

Hanawa: What are you panicking about? You and me both know i'm not going to last. I lost too much blood.

Kuzumi: Still! I'm going to save you...

Hanawa: You can't. It's impossible. I think i only have few minutes to live.

Kuzumi: Hanawa...

I started to tear up.

Hanawa: I can't dry your tears crybaby. Now i can't slap you too... that's too bad....

Kuzumi: Don't talk anymore i can't...

Hanawa: Your friend is going to die you know... at least hear her out.

I didn't say a thing.

Hanawa: You want to know what was the thing i'm going to tell Walter?

Kuzumi: What is it...

Hanawa: I love you. That's what i've been keeping from him. I couldn't... tell him... But i already prepared a letter for my family... just incase... pass that message to him Kuzumi...

Kuzumi: Yes... i promise.

Hanawa: Thanks... also can you listen to my final request?

Kuzumi: What is it? I'll do anything.

Hanawa: From now on... don't hesitate. Even if you gamble most of the time... promise me... don't die until you deliver my message to him. Get a grip... thanks for everything Captain...

Kuzumi: Still calling me that despite failing my duties. I couldn't protect my comrades.

I couldn't fulfill my duties as a captain. I searched but got lost .

She lost her life in front of my eyes. The building continues to collapse so i evacuated that area and got lost at a forest. I grabbed a grenade and sniper just incase.

Get a grip me... but i can't i'm too lost at thought.

I heard a voice and immediately pointed my gun at a direction.

"You killed innocent child!"

A girl wearing school uniform, red hair and talking to herself? That's the one who killed my comrades! You monster!

At that time i didn't realize i tried to kill my sister.

I immediately climb the tree and shot her but missed. She reacted fast and i threw a grenade. I ran after her.

Kuzumi: Get back here! You killed my comrades!

I kept shooting but she then burned the forest and swing her sword my way, the next thing i knew i was burning to death. It was so hot. I couldn't do a thing.

Is this death? It feels warm. Sorry Hanawa i can't fulfill my promise as well as my duty as your Captain. I couldn't keep myself together until the end. My own irrational decisions killed me in the end.

~To be continued~