Chapter 1: Blood Origin.

Blood (Narrating) "Let's see...where should I start? I was born 16 years ago, which makes me 16. It was a happy family for 5 years. My little sister was just born, my 2 younger brothers were playing rough like always. I'm also a triplet, I'm the youngest triplet, my 2 older brothers were quite mean back then. Haven't heard from them since, they used to pick on me a lot, Yunomaru the oldest one, was a quiet one, he didn't speak much. Qarer the middle triplet, was full of excitement, in a crazy way. He was putting things on fire, he almost put me on fire, crazy, right? Once I turned 5, all hell broke loose. There was fire every where in the house, my father saved us all. But Qarer and Yunomaru were nowhere to be seen, my brothers were safe. My mother was safe. But my sister got caught by the fire, don't worry she was fine, it's just my father died trying to save us. That was a sad day for me especially, my dad was a special person in my life. I wish he was still alive today, a few days later, my mother got us a new place, we didn't have much but at least we had a roof over our heads. Things weren't the same with dad around, my mom used to say my dad was always there with us, I didn't believe that spirit stuff, so I just said "Really? That's cool". I wasn't the brightest kid back then, sometimes I didn't know what to say to a simple question. But I learned, didn't I? The year that my dad died didn't end yet, 2 months later my mom couldn't handle the pressure of my dad dying, the disappearance of my 2 older brothers, she committed suicide. Once I found out about this, my heart stopped, that year was the worst year of my life. People took us away, they took us to the orphanage. it took awhile for me to get a family, I was adopted into a family with 3 girls, 1 younger than me, 1 same age as me, 1 older than me. They were adopted too, we spent some time together in the orphanage, they felt like family. My bad luck came to hit me once again, my adopted parents got killed. They suspected me for some unknown reason. But my good luck came back, my older sister, Diane, bought a tiny house out in the middle of nowhere, how sweet of her. Of course she used our adopted parents money, and she was 8....I don't know how she bought the house, at least we live somewhere again. Obviously I was separated from my actual siblings, it was lonely but I had my 3 adopted sisters. I've been with them ever since, I still live with them, when I turned 11, I joined an assassin group, I was number 1 when I turned 12, and people over there were like, 30. Of course I do it for the money, I do feel bad killing people, but they're bad people, so kind of good. That's where my narrating ends. To the actual story we go."

Blood was just coming home from his job, he wiped the blood off him before he gets home or his adopted sisters get suspicious. He gets home clean, his younger sister Shay came and said hi and threw a pie in his face. Blood was not so clean. Shay laughed. Kate the sister that's the same age as Blood says "Shay, stop messing around and come help us with this cake." Blood says with excitement "Cake? What kind?" Diane says happily "Your favourite of course, chocolate!" Blood's eyes sparkle in joy " GIMME!" as he runs to the cake. Kate kicks Blood in the stomach "You're going to have to wait." she says annoyed, Blood says in pain as he drops to the floor "Why...are you making....a cake anyway?..." Another girls voiced can be heard in the other room "It's because it's you know whos anniversary." as she steps into the room. Blood looks at her as he gets up off the floor "Who is this....very short girl?" as he puts his hand on the girls head who is up to his stomach, the girl gets mad "I have a dwarf disorder you jerk!" she jumps and smacks Blood on back of the head. "I'm your sister! Can't you tell?" Blood rubs the spot where he got smacked and takes a look at her again " definitely smack like a Cexus, but I'm not sure if you're my sister." Girl says "You...." Girl jumps onto Blood and starts punching him. Blood screams. Shay join the punching. Kate says "She definitely has a temper of a does Shay." Diane says concerned "Shouldn't we help him?" Kate says "Nah, he'll be okay, let Shay have her fun."

A few minutes later

Diane says "Cake's done!" Blood says "great....mind helping me?!" while in a choke hold. Girl says "Stop being an ass and tell me you remember me!" Blood says while tapping her arm "Okay, okay! I remember you Scarlet! Let go, you're killing me!" Scarlet lets go. Blood inhales and exhales intensely. Shay says "Let's do that again!" Kate says "No, that's enough Shay, let them talk about why Scarlet is here." Shay says disappointedly "You're so boring!" walks away sad. Blood says still breathing for air "Scarlet....why are you here?" Scarlet says "Well, I came to say to my so-called-brother, it's my 11th birthday." Blood says confused "That's...all?" Scarlet says "Well, no...I'm actually turning 12...and I was told to give this invitation to you. Weird thing is, I got invited to. By the way, do you have an unknown power sou-" Blood covers her mouth "Shush!" he whispers "How do you know?" Scarlet releases his hand away from her mouth "The real question is, how did you get your power?!" Kate and Diane looks at them, Kate says "They're bad whisperers" Diane says "They really are" Blood whispers "In a nutshell, a meteor crashes in front of me, you can easily mistake for just a simple rock, I picked it up, but I let go of it because it was hot." Scarlet says "Idiot" Blood says "Shush! Then felt an energy source go inside me, it felt like....going underwater. I got it 5 years ago, I'm surprised I hid it this long from my adopted sisters." Scarlet says "They know now, because I think they are listening" Blood looks at Kat and Diane, they wave, he looks back at Scarlet "So?" Scarlet shrugs. Blood says "So for the past 5 years, I was able to create a lot of weapons, swords, guns, that's how much I can create, I use them for my job." Scarlet says surprised "You kill at your job?!" Blood smacks her then rubs her cheek " Shush! for third time! I'm able to feel energy from other people. So don't make me expose you too!" Scarlet says while crossing her arms "I don't know what you're talking about" Blood says not convinced "You have a purple aura around you -_-" Scarlet says "That could mean anything" Blood says "Fine, don't say anything just give me that note already" Scarlet passes him the invitation note" The note says

Blood Cexus, you have been invited to the next guardian competition hope you make the right decision. From: Lady Infinite

Blood says "Guardian competition? What kind of anime shiz is that?" Scarlet says "Swear like a man." Blood says "Jokes on you, I'm not a man and tell me about this guardian thing." Scarlet says "I don't know, I got the same thing." Blood says "Do you know where it is?" Scarlet says "I think so" Kate pokes Blood's shoulder "Where exactly are you going?" Blood says "A guardian competition where I'll possibly die and possibly will become a guardian which I don't know what the hell that is." Diane says "Blood, the cake is not going to eat it's self." Blood says "I'll take it to go." Kate says "You are not going." Blood says "Too bad, so sad, don't be mad. You guys are welcome to come and see me." Diane says "Oh! Where?" Scarlet says "In the town near here." Diane says delightfully "Oh yay! We'll be there." Kate says "Wai-" Blood says "Alright, see you guys there." Blood teleports away with Scarlet. Kate says "Did-Did you not see that? Are you okay? Are you drunk?" Diane says "He'll be fine, plus he's coming back." Blood comes back to grab the cake "Forgot this, see ya." Kate says "Are you okay with this?" Diane says "Yes. Blood is a strong, smart young man. In his own way. He'll make it through." as she smiles

Blood and Scarlet arrive and says "This the place?" Scarlet says "Yep, this is where adventure begins." Blood says "I guess so." Narrator: That's where Blood's adventure began, but in another world, someones life has just began.

Hi, Blood Cexus here. I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of Cexus Infinite. By the way, at the end of each Chapter, I'll put character profiles of the characters that appeared in the chapter. New characters not just old characters.


Blood Cexus-Blood is a sarcastic, stubborn, pain in the ass teenager. He doesn't care much about himself , he only cares for the ones that he loves. He has black hair, red eyes, light brown skin. He normally wears his black coat , black shirt and black pants. He also wears black gloves when he goes to his job. Hair: It's a casual hair style, a bit spiky. He bottles up his motions, he only shows happiness and anger. But deep inside he feels guilt and sadness.

Shay Wasc-Shay is very small for her age, she's usually aggressive and a pain around others but when she powers down, she's about the same but less aggressive and less of a pain. She has long dark hair, yellow eyes, and white skin. She never puts her hair in a ponytail because she says it bothers her and ruins her image. She also has a temper, you won't like her when she's mad.

Kate Wasc-Kate is the same as Blood but more mature. She doesn't like joking around, she acts like the big sister when she's really not. She has long blonde hair, brown eyes, and white skin. You'll usually see her in a ponytail, long hair distracts her. She gets annoyed easily, hits Blood for the tiniest reasons.

Diane Wasc-She's the tallest out of the siblings, she's a calm and sweet young lady, she doesn't gte mad as much. She has long light purple hair, purple eyes and white skin. That's all I have to say about her.

Scarlet Cexus-She's the actual sister of Blood, she's the youngest Cexus sibling. She has short black hair, abit of purple on the edge. Brown eyes and white skin. You'll find her wearing a purple scarf, black sweater, and gray shirt and black pants. She has a big temper even when she's so small.