Chapter 38. Role-Playing Part 3

Naya still looked at Adi without blinking.  Naya's gaze was so difficult for Adi's mind to understand.

 Adi then turned his gaze in another direction.  Adi showed his awkward smile to all the participants.

 "All right, everyone, let's do a good photoshoot. Good luck, hope you give your best," said Ana, ending the introductory session.

 Shooting started.  One by one the participants did their part quite well.  Fisa was also able to finish shooting amazingly, she looks professional in this field.  Fisa is so relaxed while doing pose after pose.  Everything looks beautiful.  Naya is not surprised, because Fisa has been in modeling since she was a child.  Fisa likes to act in front of the mirror every time mom buys her new clothes.  At that time Naya could only look enviously from a distance because she looked different when wearing the same clothes as Fisa.  If they are forced to side by side, the difference will be clear.  Like peacocks and ugly ducks.

 Naya shook her head.  She threw away the thought.  That was then, now Naya is as beautiful as Fisa.

 'Naya, you can't be discouraged.  If Fisa can do this well, so can you.  Aren't you two born from the same womb?  Naya's mind was trying to encourage herself.


 Time ran quickly after Fisa appeared and the two participants finished.  Now it's Naya's turn to show her skills.  Naya's hand froze, she felt nervous.  Even though this is not the first time she has taken a photoshoot, her experience when she was an impromptu model at a friend's event while abroad was not enough.  Naya is only able to pray, may luck take her side.

 Naya was standing at the shooting spot, but suddenly her head felt blank.  It did not occur to her what kind of pose to pose.

 Naya instead looked at Adi with a questioning look.  Lots of questions popped up in her mind.  Naya feels that Abi is playing with her.

 "Ok, shall we start?"  Adi then started counting.

 Naya's reverie faded, she was struck by Adi's words.  Sigh, Naya almost forgot if she had to finish this shoot.  Naya must succeed or she has a chance to be eliminated.  Naya started posing, the next second she continued to change her pose.  Naya's chest pounded, her focus blurred.  Naya felt unable to do it.

 One, two, and three, the initial poses are very stiff and the results are poor.  Adi then whispered to one of the people beside him.  Then Miss Ana was called.

 "Ok, let's rest first, ten minutes?"

 Adi walked over to Naya with the camera hanging on his neck, dangling to the front of his stomach.  Naya gets even more confused when she realizes that Adi is on her way.

 "Can we talk for a while?"

 Naya hesitated a little.  Even though in her heart, she wanted to talk.  Naya nodded slowly.

 "Your name is Naya?"

 "Yes," Naya replied nervously.  "You ..."

 "Is this how you pose?"  he said again, ignoring Naya who was trying to talk.

 "What?"  asked Naya, confused.

 "If you can only pose like this. Prepare to be eliminated."

 Naya stared wide-eyed at Abi.  Naya was surprised, she didn't expect this person in front of him would speak openly like this.

 "Why? Surprised? This competition isn't a place for trial and error. You can go home now if you just want to play around. Don't play with yourself like this."

 Naya's pride was disturbed by the words of the young man in front of her.

 "What right do you have to judge me like that? What do you know about me?"

 Naya's tone trembled a little.  The lids of his eyes were filled with tears.  Naya also spoke formally because she didn't want to be considered rude.

 I don't know why Naya can be quickly provoked by the words of someone she doesn't know well, or because Naya feels that the young man in front of her is Abi.

 Adi is surprised to see the sight.  Adi didn't think that Naya would react like that.  The Naya he knows is a strong girl. Yes… doesn't give up easily and isn't easily oppressed by other people's words even with harsh words.  But this scene in front of him made him feel guilty. This is Adi's first time seeing Naya like that.

 "I know, you are just desperate to join this competition without preparation."

 Naya gasped.  Even though it sounds painful, it's true.  Naya joined this competition without proper preparation.  Everything was too sudden for Naya.  Besides, she didn't know where to learn other than learning by herself from looking for information on the internet.

 Adi let out a deep breath.  Then looked at Naya more gently.

 "The other participants are quite talented. You need to be more active. From now on, focus on your goals. Put aside all your thoughts about things that can distract you. Do you understand?"

 Naya, who was initially annoyed, suddenly felt relieved to hear Adi's words.  Without realizing it, she had nodded her head in agreement with Adi's words.

 "Ok, after this, start posing correctly. I will tell you the three basics of posing. You can direct your gaze forward, to the right or left while posing. Then you can explore the movements of the head, hands, and feet to provide a variety of poses. One of The most important things in my opinion is that you have to be able to express yourself. When giving expressions, you must be in sync with your eyes, mouth, and head. You must be able to harmonize it so that the taste you want to convey through pictures can be seen by your photo audience.  you have to do it. Lastly, you have to be able to show the best angle (the best side of your photo) This will be an additional point for you. "

 Naya paid attention to what Adi was saying.  She digested one by one a series of sentences uttered by Adi.  Naya regained her spirits.

 "Very well, I think you can understand what I said. Get ready, we will immediately resume shooting. You can do it."

 "Hmm" Naya nodded firmly.  "I will try."

 "Very nice."

 Adi wanted to gently rub the top of Naya's head, but he immediately abandoned his intention.  He realized he couldn't do that now.  Even though he wanted to encourage Naya.  Adi's hand was spread out in the air.  He hurriedly withdrew his hand.  Adi then went to get a drink as well as conditioning his feelings.

 The shooting continues, Naya looks more confident now.  Naya can stare at the camera without a doubt in her eyes.

 Will Naya be successful this time and survive the elimination process?

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