Chapter 174. Putting Ego aside

This afternoon Naya was stopping by Gerald's part time job. It just so happened that Gerald's place of work this time was not too far from the company.

"I'm glad you came."

"Yes, at once to see you. We haven't seen each other in a long time."

"Yes, since my apprenticeship at Abhimanyu boss company ended. By the way, when did you finish your apprenticeship?"

"I don't know, according to the agreement, it won't be long. Hopefully, my internship period won't be added again." Naya sighed.

"Yeah, I hope so. Besides, we're going to start working on the final project soon."

"Yes you're right."

"Eh, Nay. At the reunion next week, who do you want to invite?" asked Gerald.

"Hmm, I don't know yet. Who are you going with yourself?"

"Ah, you must know."

"Owh, boss Hafa? Hemm" Naya looked enviously.

"Hey, why is your face like that? You just have to choose who you want to invite?" joked Gerald.

"You mean?"