CHAPTER - 3 { Team Rocket! }

When the sun was at its highest, the forest was blooming with pokemons.

In a lake, inside the forest. A big Magikarp was shining in white light which was quite dazzling.


The voice was very deep and loud which made Kota's heart shake in daze.

A very huge blue pokemon was there in the place of the red Magikarp.

A wide open mouth, three connected horns like things on the forehead.

A very long body, back part covered in deep blue while the stomach part was in deep yellow.

Gyarados, water/flying-type pokemon. It is known for its aggressive behavior.

This Gyarados was bigger than any normal one which is confirmed by Kota.

8.50 meters in length, it can definitely fight for the biggest Gyarados in the entire world.


Biting the rope, Gyarados used his super strength and really uprooted the entire tree from the ground.

"Shit!, " Cursed Kota as he jumped towards his side to escape the falling tree.

"How the hell is that rope still in perfect state after this?, " Questioned Kota as he checked the rope tied on the tree.

"You're big!, " Said Kota, he looked up to see the angry face of Gyarados.


Gyarados nodded his head, then turned to look at the Spearow.

It woke up because of the noises produced by Gyarados after he evolved.


Coming next to Spearow, Charmander extended his hand towards it.


Cried Spearow as he tried to fly up in the air but because of its injured wings it couldn't.

"Ya! Woke up, hah?, " Asked Kota as he neared the furious Spearow and crouched down.

"Remember, this is your pokeball. And you will obey my orders, " Said Kota while he took out the pokeball and waved it in front of Spearow.


Using his beak, Spearow tried to bite Kota's face but was dodged.

Kota stood up and looked at it, his teeth grinding and his eyebrows raised.

"Gyarados, teach it how to behave, " Said Kota seriously, he was never a kind hearted person.

Not in his past life, not in this life.

What he wanted from his pokemons was obedience and good behavior.

That's all, he even maintains his calm character in front of others. Be it his pokemons or the others.


With his tail, Gyarados pulled Spearow in the water and slammed it heavily.


A few slaps. Gyarados placed Spearow back on the ground, not wanting to kill it.

"Now, what are your thoughts?, " Asked Kota, staring at the completely wet Spearow.


This time, there was not much of a fight as Spearow didn't have any energy and mood.

"Good, " Said Kota, he wiped Spearow with a dry towel and also gave him pokemon food to eat.

"Gyarados, I hope you know how to use a Hydro Pump?, " Asked Kota as he stared at Gyarados with some expectations.


Turning his head, Gyarados faced a tree and a blue light glowed from his mouth.

A burst of water came out and hit the tree so hard that it was blasted off from the middle and divided into two parts.

"How about Hyper Beam?, " Asked Kota looking at Gyarados with a slight smile.


Nodding his head, Gyarados faced another tree just next to the one which was blasted.

A yellow energy ball formed in front of his mouth, which then erupted and headed towards the tree.


An explosion was sounded with black smoke rising from the trees that came in the path of Hyper Beam.

It requires lots of energy to just shoot a single Hyper Beam.

Gyarados had to wait for some time to restore the energy back in him.

It doesn't mean he can't use more than a single Hyper Beam. But since it is not a battle, he could definitely use a break.

* * *

Viridian City___

Kota walked around the road until he saw the hospital for the pokemons.

It was a separate building surrounded by small lawns and gardens.

There is a huge red coloured P at the top.


The automatic door opened and Kota entered the Pokemon Center.

The first thing he saw was a boy wearing a baseball cap, short sleeve jacket, gloves, pants and sneakers.

Kota immediately noticed and also recognized him perfectly.

Ash Ketchum!

He sat on a waiting chair, beside him was a girl which Kota would never forget.


The atmosphere around those two was a bit tense and sad.

'Guess Pikachu is already being handled, ' Thought Kota, he walked towards the counter and handed two pokeballs.

"You want to do a check up?, " Asked the receptionist while smiling at Kota.

"Ya, if you could heal them as well, " Said Kota as he walked towards Ash and Misty.

"What's up?, " Asked Kota while he sat next to Ash and looked up at the ceiling.

"Brother! You are here!, " Exclaimed Ash, he was surprised to see Kota.

"Your brother? But you two don't look alike?, " Asked Misty as she stared at Kota and Ash.

"Not real! But we know each other for almost 5 years! Brother is already famous in our town, " Said Ash while explaining some basic things about Kota to Misty.

"But why so sad?, " Asked Kota, even though he knew about it. Why not play the game if you are at it.

"Actually my Pikachu is seriously injured and is in the operation room, " Replied Ash while holding his head and becoming even more sad.

"He will be fine, don't worry. You should not be so worried, I don't think Pikachu is that weak, " Said Kota as he patted Ash's shoulder.

"Yes, Kota is saying the right thing Ash. Pikachu will be fine, " Misty also tried to console Ash but the latter didn't look so better.


Suddenly, the Pokemon Center's alarm rang loudly and three figures invade the building.

"What's going on!, " Exclaimed Misty, three of them stood up and looked around to find everyone panicking.

'Are they here… Team Rocket?, ' Thought Kota as he searched to find those three guys.

But, the three guys where the ones to come out of hiding in the Pokemon Center.