CHAPTER - 16 { Female Sneasel }

Ice Age island___

Charmeleon bent his back and dodged the swiping Ice Punch with great speed.

Sneasel was still mid air when Charmeleon did a ground somersault and hit it with the tail.


Falling down, Sneasel held its face where there was a red mark visible.


Charmeleon shook his head sideways and smirked at Sneasel while calling him in for more fight.

"Careful when that guy uses ice or dark moves, " Said Kota, rubbing his palms together to heat them up.


Sprinting towards Charmeleon, Sneasel performed Quick Attack while not letting its eyes off him.

Charmeleon stood in a boxing posture while gripping the ground with his feets.

"Charmeleon, Metal Claw!, " Said Kota, Charmeleon instantly clawed towards Sneasel.

Sneasel stopped, letting the Metal Claw attack fall on the ground ahead of it.

Stepping on Charmeleon's hand, Sneasel kicked on his head with full power.


Charmeleon was thrown back, Kota jumped on the side to dodge him.

Standing up again, Charmeleon glared at Sneasel with anger.

Red flames came out of his closed mouth, Charmeleon controlled the urge to fry Sneasel.

"Don't let your thoughts affect your mind. Fire will be your main weapon but raw strength is also needed".

Kota stared at Charmeleon, he clenched his fist at him and smiled.


Charmeleon nodded his head, he walked forward towards Sneasel.


Sneasel glanced at Kota for a second before looking back at Charmeleon.

Taking a deep breath, Sneasel opened his mouth wide open and aimed at Charmeleon.

Ice Beam!

"Looks like strength training is over, Flamethrower!, " Shouted Kota, he looked towards Sneasel with praise.

This Sneasel shouldn't be weak, maybe even the boss of this area.


Charmeleon also opened his mouth and red flames shot out of it towards Sneasel.


The Ice Beam and Flamethrower met with a huge explosion that engulfed both the pokemons.

Kota covered his face and crouched down to avoid the blast. A strong wind came pushing Kota, all the snow around was blown.

Kota crashed onto a tree truck. He was lucky to not have broken his spine bone.

"Damn it!, " Cursed Kota, he slowly got up and shook his head slightly.

His eyes were blurry, his head still spinning while he also faced the cold weather.

"Charmeleon?, " Turning his eyes, Kota saw Charmeleon on the ground knocked out.

On the other side, Sneasel was also knocked out. Putting Charmeleon back his pokeball.

Kota went towards Sneasel and took out a new pokeball. Touching the button on Sneasel, it was captured by Kota.

There was no struggle, no waste of time. Immediately running, Kota headed to the Pokemon Center.

* * *

Pokemon Center___

Kota sat in the waiting area, he held his back and massaged it. The pain was not much which couldn't be handled.

"I will go to have a check up later, " Muttered Kota while leaning on the backrest of the chair.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself. Breathing softly and steadily, some relief came.

Kota then heard footsteps coming towards him, there should be about four to five people.

"Excuse me? Are you Kota?, " Suddenly the footsteps stopped near him and a voice asked.

Opening his eyes, Kota saw two boys and three girls in front of him. The person that asked him was one of the three girls.

"That's me? What is it?, " Replied Kota, he was confused about why an unknown girl would search for him.

"I told you it was him! I saw him yesterday in the city!, " On the left, the youngest of the three girls exclaimed with happiness.

"Can I have a photo with you! Please!, " The girl that asked him just a moment ago requested.

'What's going on?, ' Thought Kota while standing up and giving the girl a chance for the photo.

"Hurry!, " The girl said to one of the boys while handing him the phone.


While Kota was lost in his thoughts, all the three girls had managed to grab a photo each with Kota.

"Brother, I am a very big fan of yours!, " The red-haired boy said while coming near Kota and staring at him with admiration.

Kota came back to reality and blinked his eyes a few times. He nodded his head towards the red-haired boy.

"By the way, am I famous?, " Asked Kota while narrowing his eyebrows at the group.

"Of course! You were the one to save Porta Vista or it would have been completely destroyed! You also caught that giant Tentacruel!".

The two boys had stars in their eyes while looking at Kota like a godly figure.

Meanwhile Kota was not feeling much good, he still smiled at the two boys.

"We also want to be like you! To be able to catch such a gigantic pokemon!, " The two boys were completely obsessed with Kota.

"You can, all you need is to have a firm goal in your life which you make reality, " Said Kota while petting the two boys on their heads as they were shorter than him.

"Will you be participating in the Indigo League?, " The red-haired boy asked, Kota nodded his head and answered him.

"We will support you! Big Brother!, " The five shouted at him as they left Kota alone.

"Haah, " Sighing, Kota sat back on the chair and waited until his pokemons were healed.

Minutes later, there was the announcement calling Kota at the counter to collect his pokemons.

"Thank you, " With that, Kota left the Pokemon Center and returned to his room.

His back pain did reduce after some time but he wanted to do a proper check up.

When he did, he was happy to find that he had no problem in his back.

The pain was because of him hitting on the tree trunk and nothing else.

Then he got a full body massage for himself and his pokemons including his newly caught Sneasel.

Sneasel was actually a 'she' in gender. But well, for Kota it was not a big matter.

Every pokemon that had strength will be treated equally by Kota.

The day was spent in such events, next day will bring a new adventure for Kota.