CHAPTER - 30 { Blast Burn }

Next day___

Standing opposite to each other, Kota and Blaine both held their pokeballs.

"Magmar, let's get victory today, " Blaine called out Magmar on the battleground.


On the rock pillar, Magmar waited for his opponent to make the entry.

"Charizard, don't disappoint me, " Kota threw his pokeball from where a white light flashed.


Charizard was just on the next pillar to Magmar, both of them seemed to stare at each other.

"Ash, why don't you let your Charizard see the match. He might start to listen to you after seeing Kota's Charizard, " On the watching side, Brock suggested to Ash to let Charizard out his pokeball.

"That's a good idea!, " Ash immediately let Charizard out, who was not in much mood to listen to Ash.

But when his eyes fell on Kota's Charizard, he clenched his fists and focused on the match.

"What happened to Charizard?, " Asked Misty as she looked at Ash's Charizard.

"I didn't know but letting him watch the match seems effective, " Said Ash, he then turned his eyes to the battleground.

* * *

"Magmar! Fire Punch!, " Shouted Blaine towards Magmar, who leaped towards Charizard with his right fist covered in hot flames.

"Charizard! Return it back!, " Said Kota, Charizard nodded his head and brought his right hand back.


Clenching it into a tight fist, Charizard punched towards Magmar as well.


Both the fists made contact and hot air came out with red flames flying around.

Magmar in the air while Charizard with the support of the pillar, it was really breathtaking.

But Kota's Charizard was many times stronger than Ash's Charizard.

Meaning, there was no way that Magmar could be in the same position for long.


With the loud sound of air bursting, Magmar was sent crashing back on a rock pillar.


The rock pillar Charizard stood had multiple cracks visible now. It can't hold on Charizard' weight for much longer.

"Charizard, defeating fire with fire is useless. That will only make the flames rise. Use the strength that you gained after all that training!".

Kota looked at Charizard and smiled, he said what he had to. All that's left was for Charizard to do his best.


Charizard roared, he then looked at Magmar who had come up on top of the pillar again.


"Magmar! Show how strong you are to Charizard!, " Said Blaine while staring at Kota and shaking his head with a smile.

'It's good to be young, ' Thought Blaine, he remembered how his journey to become a gym leader was.


Magmar bursted himself towards Charizard again with his two fists.

Charizard extended his wings and flew towards Magmar at a fast speed.

Moving forward with his right fist, Charizard threw a punch at Magmar' face.

Which was blocked but Magmar was once again thrown back and hit on the pillar.

But with his legs gripping on the side of the pillar, Magmar launched him at Charizard.


Not for the sudden attack, Charizard received a heavy punch on his stomach.

Because of the size difference, Magmar was unable to push Charizard even a centimeter back.

Both of them on the same top of a rock pillar, exchange punches and kicks.

Charizard received the most but the damage compared was very little to Magmar's.


Suddenly, Charizard opened his mouth and black smoke escaped from it.


Magmar was blinded due to the smoke and felt a blow on his chin.

His body was punched ten meters high by Charizard, who then used Metal Claw at Magmar in the air.

"Iron Tail!, " Blaine shouted immediately, seeing Magmar's body flying up in the air.


Spinning his body mid air, Magmar had his tail forward which glowed in silver light.


The black smoke was cleared by the blast of fire and light.

As the explosion ended, Magmar and Charizard both stood opposite to each other.

Magmar had many marks on his body while Charizard was almost without injuries.

* * *

On the watching side, Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu, Togepi and Charizard were stunned.

"How strong is Kota's Charizard? It's not even a minute and Magmar is almost defeated, " Misty was not stupid to not notice the heavy breathing of Magmar.

"I don't know but Kota's Charizard is definitely many times stronger than Ash's Charizard, " Said Brock but instantly closed his mouth and looked at Ash and Charizard on his side.

The two didn't argue, they both knew that Kota and his pokemons were on a completely different level.

'How does he train his pokemons?, ' Thought Ash while showing some jealousy and sadness in his eyes.


Charizard growled slowly and clenched his fist with anger and frustration.

He thought he was very strong but now, he was many levels below the Charizard in front him.

"Charizard, you are seeing this right, " Said Ash while touching his left palm on Charizard' arm.


Charizard nodded his head, Ash took a deep breath before speaking.

"If we stay the way we are, we can never defeat Kota and Charizard, " Ash continued softly while looking at Charizard's expression.


Charizard didn't react much, but he knew that Ash was right about it.

They have to come up with something together or they will be left way back.

* * *

"Charizard! I said that fire is useless against fire but I never said how! The fire that will rise after both collide will be the one that is stronger! Let's finish it together!"

Hearing Kota's voice, Charizard felt that the time had come for the final move.

"Magmar! Don't let them finish their move!, " Shouted Blaine, being a fire type gym leader, he somewhat guessed the move that Kota was signing about.

As if their bodies were one, Charizard and Kota had the same light flash in their eyes.

"Blast Burn!".

Charizard bursted with red flames, the lava below seemed to rise with an extremely fast pace in seconds.


Magmar tried to attack Charizard to stop him from completing the move.

But he didn't expect that Charizard was already ready for this move.


On the sides, Ash and the group were almost pushed off from the volcano top because of the strong wind produced.

No one except Charizard and Kota were left standing, even so, they were sweating profusely.

"It's over, " Muttered Kota while falling to his knees and his vision fading.