CHAPTER - 10 { Crazy Kidnappers }

Kota's Mansion___

Basement, Birkang was astonished by what he was seeing.

In front of him was a huge machine which was joined on the wall with a big screen.

On the side of the machine, there was a glass cylinder connected filled with blue liquid.

Inside the liquid of blue color, there was a green pokemon egg.

What happened was that the egg was absorbing the nutrients from the liquid.

And not just that, it was absorbing the energy at a very rapid rate.

On the screen; the process, changes, speed at which the energy was absorbed, and conditions were displayed.

"Where the hell did he get this kind of beast!"

Exclaimed Birkang, he wiped the sweat on his forehead with an anxious face.

"A 100% mutation will occur. There's no doubt about it. Now it all depends on how strong the vitality of this egg is."

"Ariya, watch this egg for me."

Said Birkang as he walked away from the machine and headed to the other side.

"Yes, sir."

The male voice of Ariya sounded.

Birkang came to a different set of tables covered with various machine parts.

At the middle was a bracelet, where there was a place for a round object.

Inside the bracelet was the mechanism invented by Birkang at the island together with Mew.

"Fuu. Once this is over, I can move onto the next stage of the pokemon strengthening serum."

Putting on a safety face mask made of aluminum, he lit the mini fire torch.

* * *

In the air, Kota listened to what Ariya had to report about the pokemon egg.


Muttered Kota, but he then changed his thoughts for now.

"Kota! Over there!"

From the right side, on the back of Dragonite, Lance pointed his finger.

Following his line of sight, Kota saw the two cargoes and five protective cars in very armor.

'The police barricades should be in about 7 to 8 kilometers from now.'

Kota looked over Lance to see him and Dragonite advance towards the cargoes.

"Charizard, follow behind!"

Kota ordered, Charizard nodded his head and flapped his wings to give a boost.

Then, the protective cars had their roofs opened and pokemons appeared on each.

They were all the evolutions of Eevee. Eevee, a normal-type pokemon. It evolves into one of eight different Pokémon through various methods.

The ones that appeared are Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon and Espeon.

Currently not many people in the Kanto Region know of these evolutions.


Water Gun!


Shadow Ball!


One after another moves were shot towards Lance and Kota.

"Hyper Beam!"

"Dragon Pulse!"

Both Lance and Kota didn't waste a second before commanding their pokemons to defend.


A bright yellow and orange energy formed in front of Dragonite's open mouth which was then fired.


A loud and shaking wave came out of Charizard's gaping breath.


Two explosions occurred when the two forces clashed together.

Black smoke filled the sky, from which two pokemons appeared.

"Kota! Back for now! Let's surround them when they reach the barricade!"

Shouted Lance towards Kota because they were moving in air as well as at a fast speed.

Kota looked towards Lance and nodded his head while Charizard backed away some distance from the cars.

Not long, Kota could see the barricades in the middle of the forest road.

Seven police cars were parked behind with more than 30 officers fully armed.

With them were a few pokemons as well like Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhydon, Onix and Alakazam.

If one has to say something about this defense line with a single word.

It will be 'impenetrable', unless a super duper pokemon like a Legendary one appears.

"Get ready!"

Shouted Lance, Kota nodded his head and pulled out a pokeball from his waist belt.

But before the cargoes and the protective cars could reach the barricades, something shocking happened.

The two protective cars at the front suddenly accelerated with the booster behind.

The head of the two cars moved as if it was transforming and three sharp huge spikes came out.

The barricades were formed with shields which should be more than ten centimeters thick.

And they were deeply rooted in the ground making them almost unshakable.

Only a train running at 180 mph or more can break it or tear it apart.

But if you see the two cars exploring in energy and speed, you will have doubts.

Both Kota and Lance suddenly turned to each other and nodded at the same time.

Don't take risks.

They flew closer and attacked with Flamethrower and Hyper Beam but it was late.


The two cars with heavy armor crashed at the barricades and blasted it into pieces.

Of course at the cost of those two cars completely destroyed and the people and pokemons in it dead.

Due to the crazy act of the kidnappers, the police were stunned.

They wasted the time and the two cargoes with three protective cars going past them.

"Damn it!"

Cursed Lance, he looked over to see if any police officer was injured.

Thankfully no one was injured except a few minor wounds and bruises.

"Lance, hurry!"

Shouted Kota from the air on the back of Charizard as they flew behind the kidnappers.

"Inform the headquarters!"

Lance said in a hurry as he jumped on the back of Dragonite as they took off in the air.

* * *

'If nothing is done, then the kidnappers might escape. But how?'

Kota thought of multiple ways, yet he couldn't think of any useful one.

"Unless they go underwater or fly and turn invisible in the air, there's no way they can escape the chase."

"Ariya, find the way they might escape!"

Said Kota, he looked back to see that Lance and Dragonite were not much behind.

The site of the port city was nearing after the forest path and Kota was a little conflicted.

"Sir, I have found the way the kidnappers will escape."

Ariya's voice sounded making Kota come back to reality.

"There is a big submarine disguised as a cargo ship at the harbor. More than half of its actual body is submerged in the water. It's very big, sir."

Kota was unable to say a single word. Just how big is this new group? No, organization seems much better suited.

'It doesn't seem good if I stop them.'

Kota made a conclusion. He will let them go and not interfere for now.

When facing an unknown enemy, it's better to be prepared or simply get taken out.

He made Charizard do some futile attacks on the kidnappers.

In the city, the kidnappers blasted their way on the road not caring about anything in the path.

And in the city, because of the civilians, Kota and Lance couldn't let their pokemons attack.

Or unnecessary deaths might happen.

"It's heading towards the harbor! Are they planning to escape in the sea?"

Lance looked at the kidnappers who rushed in the harbor and went towards a big cargo ship.

"They are using the cargo ship to escape from the police chase."

Lance hurried with Dragonite while Kota followed behind.

He looked with a poker face towards the cargo ship and kidnappers.

"It's over."

The huge cargo ship suddenly shook and the containers started to fall in the water.

The deck opened a metal path as the cargoes and the protective cars entered.

Immediately the path was closed as the ship started going underwater.

From the sky, Kota and Lance could see the ship breaking and transforming into the back of a huge submarine.