CHAPTER - 16 { Ash's Invitation }

"It's your turn buddy!"

Bugsy called out his next pokemon, which appeared on the battleground before Sentret.

It was a green colored cocoon pokemon, looking specially smooth and metallic hard on the surface.

Metapod, a bug type pokemon. It's also known as the 'Cocoon Pokemon'. Infamous for being not able to attack and only defend.

"Sentret, Flamethrower."

Ordered Kota, surprising Bugsy. The only way for a Sentret to learn type-moves, such as Flamethrower, was with the help of a TM.

It's not uncommon to find the use of TM but that didn't mean everyone would use one.

Because using TM was risky, some pokemon might be injured in the process or may even face death.

The world didn't know that Kota was not from here, and he knew many secrets that nobody does.

Remembering these simple things were just too easy for him. But even so, Kota was starting to forget some events or important figures.

'Fortunately, I made records of those things the moment I came here.'

Thought Kota, he stared at Bugsy with an indifferent expression. For him, this gym was like a pebble in his path.

He wanted to be at the top, and for that, he needed to catch Legendary pokemon no matter what.


Metapod was blasted off from the battleground, Sentret looked towards Kota with a bright face.

She seemed to be asking for praise, but Kota didn't respond to her. It was his nature, being silent but deadly.

"Metapod is unable to continue, Sentret has won the battle again! Gym Leader Bugsy, bring out your last pokemon."

The referee spoke quickly. Bugsy gritted his teeth and called Metapod back to its pokeball.

"You hid that for the last, right?"

Asked Bugsy to Kota, the latter nodded his head with a straight face.

"Everyone should have a trump card behind their sleeve."

Said Kota. Bugsy agreed with a bitter face.

"Anyways, it's been a while since I used my third pokemon in a match."

Bugsy pulled out a pokeball from his waist belt, and threw it in the air. With a bright white flash, a tall and slim green pokemon appeared before Sentret.


Grinding its blades, Scyther glared at Sentret. Kota had expected it from the beginning.

"Sentret, do you want to continue?"

Asked Kota with a plain voice, he wouldn't care even if Sentret asked to back off from this battle.

It was clear that she couldn't beat Scyther. Sentret just started training with Charizard, of course she wasn't strong enough yet.

Yet, Kota raised his eyebrow seeing Sentret shake her head and point towards herself.

"Sentret, Sen~tret!"

"So you want to fight?"

Sentret nodded her head with confidence. Undoubtedly, she was brave.

'But also foolish.'

Kota didn't recall her, instead, he wanted Sentret to understand where in the power level she belonged.

"Very well. Sentret, step back and keep distance from Scyther."

Sentret listened and retreated away from Scyther. This was the last battle, if she won this, she won the whole match.

"Scyther, Double Team! Then move towards Sentret using Quick Attack!"

Scyther stomped the ground and swiftly flashed around creating multiple fake figures of it.

Then, they all launched towards Sentret using Quick Attack. It was difficult to differentiate for Sentret.

"Hyper Voice!"

Sentret cleared her throat and then let out an explosive shout. The sound waves hit all the Scyther's and then they disappeared one after another.

But, it was enough to stop the real Scyther, who was already close enough.


Scyther crossed its blades and slashed past Sentret, two red lines were visible on Sentret's body.

"Sen… tret!"

Sentret fell on the ground, wounded and unable to continue the battle.

"Sentret is unable to continue, Scyther has won the battle again! Challenger Kota, bring out your next pokemon."

Kota recalled Sentret back to her pokeball. Then, he gave a faint smile and let out his second pokemon.


Roaring out loud with hot red flames, Charizard stomped on the ground heavily.

Scyther looked up at Charizard's face with a hint of fright. It was not even half the height of Charizard.

And, there was also the type advantage.

Bugsy's face turned ugly, he couldn't help but clench his fists tightly.

He could feel that this Charizard was different, and much more intimidating than other Charizard's.

"Don't worry Scyther, we can win this! Use, Slash!"

Shouted Bugsy with encouragement. Scyther's eyes glowed with a green light, it raised its blades and slashed at Charizard.

Or so as it thought, Charizard was already before it, and had picked Scyther up with one hand.


Charizard slammed Scyther on the ground heavily, creating a deep crater.



After a few more slams, the ground had cracked open and split apart. Scyther's upper half was inside the crater while the lower half was up.

Gulp… The referee swallowed his saliva. He was lost, watching Charizard beat Scyther with a single hand.

Yes, Charizard was a menace. He had a record, not once did Charizard lose a battle.

"S-Scyther? Scyther!"

Bugsy ran towards Scyther, tears falling down from his eyes. The referee hurried and called the medical team.

* * *

Stepping out of the Azalea Gym, Kota sighed and looked at Charizard.

"I didn't expect you to destroy Scyther. But, I am happy since this is what I taught you."

Kota patted Charizard.

Then the two headed towards the Pokemon Center to get Sentret treated.

Next day, Kota got a call from Ash. He was asking if Kota could come to see his final match.

Orange League, a regional Pokemon League of the Orange Archipelago.

Actually, Kota was very interested to see it for himself, Drake's Dragonite.

"I also have a Dragonite. Who is stronger, mine of his?"

Kota muttered as he walked out of his rented room, taking a lift, he came down and reached the main road.

Flying from Azalea Town to the Orange Archipelago was time consuming and also exhausting.

So in order to not waste his and his pokemon's energy, Kota took a plane.

In the airport, he met a few of his fans whom he gave his autographs and some photos to.

Fourteen hours went pretty quick, and the plane landed in one of the airports in Orange Archipelago, Pummelo Island.

This island was also the place where the final match will be held the day after tomorrow.

* * *

"Ariya, any updates?"

Asked Kota pulling his luggage on the cold floor inside the airport building.

"Sir, everything is going smoothly. And your pokemon egg is showing signs of hatching. Sir Birkang hopes for you to take care of it for now."

Ariya said in a straight tone. Kota was unable to understand how he would carry such a large egg with him.

"There should be a way…"

Kota reached the entrance of the airport, and noticed Ash, Misty and Brock standing there waiting for him.

"Kota! Here!"

Ash called him loudly, Misty waved her hand and there was a new face, who gave a pleasant smile.

Tracey Sketchit, Kota already knew about him as they talked on call yesterday.

"Hey, how have you all been?"

Kota waved back and joined the group, they walked towards the hotel where he had already booked a room.

"You two have grown since I last saw you. Ash, you are taller now, almost catching up with me. And Misty, did you get more beautiful?"

"Did I really get beautiful?" Misty blushed red in front of Kota while Ash measured his height with him.


For the first time in a while, Kota laughed. Sometimes, one should just embrace his feelings and emotions.

He was someone who hid his emotions, so he wouldn't appear weak or emotional in front of his foes.

Actually, he wasn't like this before. But with time, he started changing.

"Ash, I wish you good luck."

"Thanks, but I will beat you as well someday!"

Ash raised his clenched fist, Kota nodded silently. Who knows, that day might really come in the future.

All he could hope was for Ash to become really strong and on that day, let him experience excitement.