CHAPTER - 28 { Mega Evolution Test Part-2}

Cynthia stood at the center of the battlefield in the practical field together with her most trusted partner.


Garchomp, a dragon/ground type pokemon. It is known as the 'Mach Pokemon' and a native to the Sinnoh region.

It has a high attack power and durability, also is agile and quick. For trainers specializing in attacking, this is one of the most suited pokemon.

"Garchomp, are you ready?"

Asked Cynthia. Garchomp nodded its head with a confident look then clenched the Mega Stone tightly.

"Cynthia, whenever you're ready."

From the small earbuds in her ears, Professor Riccky's voice sounded who was watching all the activities in the battlefield from the control room.


Responded Cynthia. With a low sound, all the lights surrounding the battlefield lit up focusing on her and Garchomp.

"Garchomp, Mega Evolve!"

Said Cynthia in a loud voice, the Key Stone on her wrist attached to a device and the Mega Stone in Garchomp's claw both glowed brightly.

The energy patterns in the atmosphere distorted and formed a special channel, or connection between Cynthia and Garchomp.

"The energy waves have increased and totally collapsed around Cynthia and Garchomp!"

Commented Riccky from the control room. Sycamore, who was with other trainers near the battlefield could feel the intense burst of aura from Cynthia and Garchomp.

'I can't believe my eyes! Mega Evolution is really possible!'

Sycamore blinked several times to confirm he wasn't dreaming or seeing illusions. Even Kota was shocked by how impactful Mega Evolution could be.

As the glow engulfed Garchomp, one couldn't see what was occurring but after the light vanished, they were greeted by the appearance of a new Garchomp.

Slightly taller and more intimidating, with some new spikes around its body, Garchomp looked cool.

"I can feel you! We, we are connected!"

With surprise and shock, Cynthia looked towards Garchomp and saw it stare back at her with a smile.

The two could see and understand each other even more after the Mega Evolution.

"Cynthia, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Professor Riccky."

"How do you feel now?"

"Professor, I-I feel amazing! It's like I am Garchomp and he is me!"

The conversation between Riccky and Cynthia proved that she wasn't affected and had complete awareness of herself and her surroundings.

"Professor, I think I can command Garchomp with just my thoughts. We are connected so we can read each other's minds."

Shared Cynthia. In the control room, Riccky had an excited expression clearly visible.

"Then let's do it. Make Garchomp use Dragon Claw."

He then replied to her. Hearing Riccky tell her to perform their first move, Cynthia gave a nod in the direction of the control room.


With the thoughts clear in their minds, Garchomp quickly roared and channeled its energy to its claws.


Then Garchomp slashed the energy in its claws at the space before it. The use of Dragon Claw was easy and had a good attack power in it.

"Woh! She can do that!"

Steven exclaimed in astonishment. To be able to order your pokemon to attack without saying something, was almost impossible.

There were only a few people who could do that. Kota also couldn't do it as he just let's his pokemon attack on their own.


The air next to Garchomp exploded when the Dragon Claws was released. The shocking display was enough to prove that Mega Evolution could increase attack power.

As for how much, no one could say that for sure.


"Haah… Haah… It's a little tiring."

As the strong energy connection between Cynthia and Garchomp snapped after they were done with the Mega Evolution, Garchomp returned to its normal appearance.

"You were awesome, Cynthia."

Alder smiled and praised Cynthia for her performance. He was also excited and couldn't wait for his turn to use Meha Evolution with his pokemon.

"Cynthia, is it difficult to Mega Evolve?"

Asked Professor Sycamore with a curious face. Looking at Cynthia's tired face, he could somewhat guess that it wasn't easy to use Mega Evolution.

"It's not difficult but it exhausts you. I think anyone can do it but you must have a tight bond with your pokemon. The one you are using Mega Evolution on."

Cynthia answered unhurriedly. Sycamore asked more questions to her before deciding to let the next trainer, who was Steven, use Mega Evolution.

"haha! My turn has come!"

With shining eyes, Steven walked to the center of the battlefield and let out his pokemon.

A huge pokemon, made of stone and steel showed itself to everyone. It had four thick and strong legs with claws. There was a cross on its face of steel plates.

Metagross, a steel/psychic type pokemon. It is known as the 'Iron Leg Pokemon' and found in the Hoenn region.


Its metallic voice and hard face was very matching. Steven placed the Mega Stone on its head then clenched the device with the Key Stone.

"Here we go! Metagross, Mega Evolve!"

Roared Steven as he raised his fist in the air. Silver light glowed around Metagross and covered it entirely.

The light kept increasing and surprised everyone including Metagross itself.

When the light dispersed, Metagross had a huge change on its appearance. Its size more than doubled and all its legs were now towards the front.

It floated high in the air and looked down at the battlefield with an enormous happiness which came from Steven.

"Hahaha! Yes! You look magnificent, Metagross!"

Steven said loudly and grinned widely. Their connection was also very strong and tight with each other just like Cynthia and her Garchomp.

"Steven, do you hear me? Answer."

"Yes, Professor! I hear you loud and clear!"

To Professor Riccky's question, Steven responded with affirmation. Once again Riccky checked the trainers mind and found it to be working well.

'It seems Mega Evolution doesn't really affect the trainers mind or ability to process thoughts.'

Thought Riccky with a nod. Then, he asked Steven to let his Metagross perform some basic moves.

One after another, all the trainers used Mega Stone except Kota who was at the last in line.

Alain used Mega Evolution with Charizard as expected by Kota, Alder used Mega Evolution with his main pokemon, Volcarona.

Volcarona, a bug/fire type pokemon. It is known as the 'Sun Pokemon' and is found in Unova region. It's one of the best pokemon and is very rare in the wild.

It was Kota's first time seeing Volcarona's Mega Evolution. It grew bigger and had larger wings behind with intense heat erupting from its body.

And Alice, the one whom Kota had no information about. She used Mega Evolution with a Zoroark. The Mega Evolution gave Zoroark a bigger range to use its illusions and more defense.

Overall, Mega Zoroark had to be the weakest Mega Evolution out of the five trainers. But unfortunately, this weak Zoroark had a type advantage when it came to Kota's mega pokemon.

"Come out."

Whispered Kota as he walked to the battlefield. With all the focus on him and his surroundings, everyone noticed the flicking of his shadow.

"Gege! Gengar!"

From the depth of Kota's shadow, Gengar appeared. His huge round body floated around Kota as he giggled like a small child.


Kota threw the Mega Stone to Gengar. Then, he inhaled and exhaled to calm his mind and body.


"Let's Mega Evolve!"

With their voices, the energy around them were pulled in their bodies. A strong and thick string of connections formed between Kota and Gengar.


With Gengar's shout, black flames engulfed him and blocked the view of his figure from everyone's sight.


Kota exhaled slowly. As he blinked his eyes, he could see two perspectives. One was his, and the other was Gengar's.

The black flames slowly exhausted and Gengar was now visible before everyone's eyes.

Two arms and a sole leg had grown, the lower portions of his body were dyed in blood red while the upper portions were abyss black.

There was also a brand new, a third eye in Gengar's forehead, currently closed. With a wide grin, Gengar checked his body and chuckled.

"Gege! Gengar!"

"I can see it. You don't have to say."

Muttered Kota as if talking to himself but in actual, he was talking to Gengar's consciousness in his mind.

They read each other's thoughts and found new secrets. Kota didn't know that Gengar was able to see his memories from the 'past'.

'Gen Gengar!'

Thought Gengar as he secretly eyed Kota, which of course was noticed and seen by Kota. But he was too busy familiarizing himself with this new connection to question Gengar.

"Can you hear me, Kota?"

"Of course, Professor Riccky."

Answered Kota with a poker face. His eyes didn't show any excitement from before. His face slowly shifted back to being indifferent.

The reason he chose Gengar for Mega Evolution mainly had to do with having no other Mega Stone.

Fortunately, this was the best outcome.

Mega Gengar, one of the top and best mega evolutions one can have in the Pokemon series.

It's attack power was no joke. Kota was confident enough that he could defeat any Mega Pokemon in this whole practical field.

Including Mega Zoroark which even had the type advantage against Mega Gengar.