CHAPTER - 35 { Kota At Rescue }

In a small warehouse, somewhere in a dense forest surrounded by tall trees and thick bushes. On a pillar, a woman heavily wounded and injured, was tied with ropes.

She was striped off her clothes, and from the looks of it, the wounds and injuries on her were from torture.

She had smooth long red hair, an oval-facial structure with sharp jawline, light skin tone and overall her body was voluptuous.

"Haah… Haah… Haah…"

Breathing heavily, she raised her head with struggle and looked around the empty warehouse with her foggy eyes.

Her body was filled with small cuts, blood trailed down in lines and formed many small pools of red blood on the dirty floor.


The huge door of the warehouse opened and two figures walked inside, closing the door behind. They were wearing green-military suits or uniforms.

They were none other than Qeen and Jenny. The tied up woman, weakly stared at the two and feared the upcoming session of torture.

Jenny placed the large bag she was carrying on the floor and pulled out some torture equipment. Blades, pincers, pins, etc.

"N-No… P-Please!"

The woman cried out, screamed for help and begged for mercy but there was not a single person present near the warehouse to hear her calls… yet.

After an hour later, her cries stopped. Jenny stood up and cleaned the bloody blade with a dry cloth, her face frowned.

"This bitch! She keeps saying the same thing."

Jenny muttered. She did her best to torture the woman and get the information she was after, unfortunately the woman kept on repeating her words.

"I deleted the photos! I don't have anything!"

Was what she said no matter how much pain she suffered. Jenny massaged her forehead, then turned to look at Qeen for suggestions.

"I say we kill this whore. I can't stand the sight of her!"

Qeen stared at the tied up woman with a ugly expression. His eyes flickered in red light, totally letting out his bloodlust.

"Just say you are jealous of this bitch's beauty."

"No! I am not!"

Qeen glared at Jenny, while the latter laughed scornfully and passed a handgun to him, fully loaded and ready to blast bullets.

"A-hhh! Please… d-don't kill me…"

The woman begged with her sore voice, tears once again flowed down her cheeks. Qeen held the handgun and crouched down on her side.

He gently ran his fingers on the woman's soft and smooth skin, rage was building in his heart when he found the woman to be much more attractive than him.

He dug in his fingernails in her skin, tearing the flesh and causing blood to gush out.

The woman however, didn't feel pain as the fear in her heart had consumed her mind.

"Fucking slut! You use this dirty body to seduce men, you better die!"

He placed the gun on her head, and grinned widely with his evil look. Jenny watched this with a sigh and rested her hands on her hips.

* * *

Not far from the warehouse in the dense forest, Kota was traveling with Charizard and Larvitar. For some reason, Larvitar pointed in one direction.

And he seemed to be serious, which was pretty unusual in Kota's view.

"Ariya, scan the surroundings."

Kota ordered.

Tu… Tu… Tu!

"Sir, the scanning is complete. There's a warehouse not far from your current position. Inside, I am able to see three life signatures."

From his bracelet, a holographic image of the warehouse and its surroundings displayed in blue color.

Inside, there were two women and a man. But from their situation and the scenes displayed, Kota guessed that the tied woman was a hostage.

"Sir, you should probably hurry. I see that the man is about to shoot the lady who is tied up."

Ariya commented through the earrings. Larvitar should have heard their movements and wished for Kota to go there to save the woman from getting killed.

"Charizard, hurry!"

Kota hopped on Charizard's back, with Larvitar and then they took off in the air. With Charizard flying at a fast speed, they reached the warehouse in seconds.

Charizard landed before the warehouse door, after Kota and Larvitar got off his back, he took in a deep breath and beamed at the door with red flames.

"What the fuck!"


Kota heard the two shouts from inside. His face turned dark, because he recognized the voices. His hands clenched into tight fists.


The door burst into flames. Black smoke filled the warehouse and coughs sounded.

Charizard stormed inside and saw Jenny and Qeen. He also recognized them because he had met them before.

"Who is it!"

"Hydreigon, use your wings!"

Hydreigon quickly blew away all the smoke in the warehouse, letting Qeen and Jenny see the huge Charizard before them.

"Stop where you are."

Kota stepped inside the warehouse, behind him was the cautious Larvitar. Qeen and Jenny were immediately enraged to see him alive.

"Why are you not dead!"

Jenny shouted. Qeen backed and stood behind Jenny while grabbing a smoke bomb in his pocket.

He had seen how strong Kota's pokemon were, there were many videos of him in the Indigo League.

The live example was the Charizard before them, it was very huge and looked terrifying. Just a glare from it was enough to cause his legs to shake.

"Fuck you!"

Qeen frustrated, shouted and threw the smoke bomb on the floor. White smoke sprayed out of the bomb and filled the warehouse.


The warehouse roof, blasted and Hydreigon carrying Jenny and Qeen flew in the sky. They disappeared in the blue sky and white clouds.

Kota rushed and pressed his fingers on the woman's neck to check her pulse. Fortunately she could be saved.

He thought that with the amount of blood loss she wouldn't be able to survive, but her pulse rate was yet to reach where one was dying.

Larvitar hurried and used his sharp teeth to bite the ropes and free the woman.


The woman, with her foggy eyes, saw Kota's blurry figure trying to lift her up. She resisted not, and let him do so.

As for her naked body, she couldn't care more about it now. The wounds and cuts on her body, when made contact with Kota's clothes and hand, burned and gave a lot of pain which she endured.

* * *

Azalea Town___

In one of the hospitals, inside a room on the top floor, the eyes of the woman opened. She saw the white ceiling, and felt the bandage on her body.

She moved her lips, wanting to say something but had no words in her mind.

"You're awake."

A male voice sounded on her right side. With a stiff movement of her head, her eyes shifted towards the boy.

"D-Did you save me?"

"... I did."

To her question, Kota simply responded. He expected the woman to show her gratitude and thank him for his work, but he heard the sobbing.

Lying weakly on the bed, the woman sobbed and was at the edge of crying. Kota panicked and got up from his seat.

"Listen, you're safe. I will call the doctor if you're feeling pain."

Kota said. He was about to head out of the room and find the doctor when the woman grabbed his wrist.

He stopped and looked at her. He saw her lips move, and her eyes shake.

"T-Thank you. I-I can't express myself!"

Tears fell down her eyes, and flowed down her cheeks. She really cried a lot.

Kota sighed, then sat on the edge of bed. He thought that his company could somehow stop the woman from crying again.

Well, he wasn't all that wrong.

The woman stopped crying after a minute and gave a smile to him. She was grateful of him, and his presence which put her heart at ease.

She shut her eyes, and fell into a long slumber with her right hand still holding Kota's wrist.

"She must have been through hell…"

Kota whispered quietly. He could understand her, as he had been through such a situation as well in his past life.

He wiped her tears and waited for a while before freeing himself.


[Author Talk---]

Readers, we are about to hit a million views! And I hope we hit so, with this chapter.

Thank you.