A glimpse of hell was brought upon me the day I lost her, the day everything changes before my eyes.

My elder brother had thrown our father in the cell for doing what no vampires would dare to do and that's killing my mate. In this world, our kind has a higher status than humans but that all changes when I was mated to an average human who was the one that open my eyes towards a better tomorrow.

My father the King didn't have a liken towards my mate nor humans for that matter, he rather kill to solve his problems (which is a foolish act of an king) than making peace between vampires and humans.

Our guards had to pinned him down on the floor with thick sliver power bound around every inch of his body. It wasn't easy considering having Royal blood your unmatchable and kind of frighten to say the least.

Years passed leaving me still in the dark nightmare called Hell to having me slowly losing my humanity. No one dare approach me nor mentioned what happened years ago if they wish to see another day coming.

There's a rule we all live by and always will " Mates are your other half, they're a precious gem that are known to mend your soul. But once they're killed by your kind that's a heavy price which comes with consequences".

It's a King role to be a fair and passionate ruler but let's cut all that bullshit cause I'm fear itself and a creature no one in their right mind want to messed with.

Who am I you may wonder.

"I'm Vincent, King of the Vampires".