Introduction (notes about the characters, and the storyline)

This story takes place in the same world that we live in. There are no special places that only exist in this world. So if I get something wrong about the places in this story, please feel free to correct me. I want to honor these places and their history.

There are special people in our world. People with amazing abilities. They can shapeshift, teleport, read minds, etc. They are hiding from a purge that is sweeping across Europe. It started in Portugal, shortly after WW2. Then it jumped to Greece, 2 decades later (aka the '70s). This story takes place in the early 2010s. Marie is 17. She was born in 1997.

She is the daughter of a shapeshifter and a witch, making her incredibly powerful if she wanted that. But, she has always put others first, even if she doesn't say much.

Emotion is the guide in using their powers. So, the more emotional someone is, the more powerful they are.

The Prime Minister of England is letting the purge into the country when the story starts. And the whole story is about Marie coming to terms with who she is, and working with others to protect their homeland.

This is my first story, and I have very little writing experience before this, so please give me some grace. That's all I ask for.💙