When I woke up, I was in the same position that I had been in when I had been knocked out. I also noticed that my clothes were damp, except they were dry when I was talking to Alex. Oh god... Alex! I shot up and looked around. Alex was nowhere to be seen. I started to worry about him. What if he had been taken instead? What if he had been killed?! As these thoughts poured over each other, causing me to be struck by temporary paralysis, a loud knock on my door shook me out of it.
I quickly got under the covers to be appropriate, then called, "Come in!" The door opened, and the guy invading my thoughts walked through. I noticed that his hair was a little longer than it had been, but I didn't think much of it. But just to be safe, I asked him about it. Confused, he grabbed a bit of his hair, tried to look at it, and then realized what I meant. "It's damp, I took a shower about a half-hour ago. I think that you know from experience that hair is always longer when it's wet or damp." I nodded my head in affirmation, as it was one of the things that constantly confused me. But I wouldn't let him know that. "Anyways, I just wanted to check in on you. You had us pretty concerned last night."
"Why, what happened?"
"We were talking, and then you fell asleep. I looked at my watch, and it was already 12:45 at that point. I was about to go get someone to help carry you to your bed when you started mumbling. I couldn't make out anything that you said, so I went to find Kai and Eric-"
"Who's Kai?"
"She can control water. I got her because I thought that a fresh dose of cold water would wake you up. And then maybe Eric could help you go to sleep."
"Which he did."
"Yeah, how did you know that?"
"It happened in my dream."
"Okayy... Anyways, when I got back, you were standing just inside the doorway. We all got super worried, and Kai's instinct kicked in. She shot a huge blast at you, and you flew onto your bed. Then Eric calmed your mind to a point where you finally fell asleep."
As he explained all of this, my face slowly contorted when I realized that what he was explaining was the end of my dream. If you could call it that. But it made sense. With a start, I realized that I had no idea what time it was. "Wait, what time is it now?"
"9:40. You slept for almost 9 hours. You also missed breakfast, but it was imperative that you got your strength back through a night of good sleep."
"Oh, thanks. I guess." After that, things got awkward. Neither of us knew what to do, but it felt like there was one more thing that needed to be addressed. Finally, Alex seemed to figure it out.
"My dream, what did you see?"
"What did you see in my dream?"
I had to think about it for a minute. I always remember the dreams of others, but the only thing that I remembered was my weird, trippy dream. The rest of the time it was pitch-black. I knew that this was a highly anxious situation, so that meant that he was going to be able to tell if I was lying or not. Slowly but surely, I told him that, "I didn't see your dreams last night."
He heaved the biggest sigh of relief that I have ever heard. I suddenly felt like laughing, and, trying to hide it, it came out like a snort. He eyed me suspiciously, and then we both burst out laughing like we were sharing an old joke. After we calmed down, we looked at each other in a new way. He had saved me in some way, and now I felt bound to repay him. But before I could say anything, a horn blew outside. We both looked at the door in surprise. Then Alex gave a small smile, and said, "Well, best get you used to life around here."