If the others didn't have powers, I would have found myself in the most awkward situation ever. They all stood opposite to me and looked very comfortable with each other. Some even whispered to each other and started laughing. Together, there were 13 of them. I recognized Eric, Kate, and Kai, but I had no idea who the others were. There were 7 boys and 6 girls present. Add me and Alex and that makes 15 kids total, 8 boys, 7 girls. Just before we got into introductions, Alex came and stood at the end closer to the stairwell. "Thank you, Mr. Gaines, for deciding to join us", the woman who brought me here said. She had an edge to her voice like she was going to make him pay for coming so late. But that didn't feel right. "...as I'm sure you're aware. Now, Marie." Hearing my name snapped me back to reality. Looking at her sent shivers down my back. Bad ones. But, I forced my fears down and told myself to respond.
She gave a thin smile as she had just won an achievement that no one else had. "I would like to say the names of the people that you have already met. No need for a second introduction."
"With all due respect, there's one person that I barely know. I only caught a glimpse. I would like a proper introduction when I say their name."
She gave me a side-eye, almost as if she disapproved either something I did or something I said. But she looked forward, and simply said, "Go ahead. But say their name last." I was confused as to why, but I obliged.
As I looked through the people, I pointed out Kate, Alex, and Eric. I was about to point out the last person when I was stopped by an unexpected question. "How do you know them?" I looked for the person who had asked and found them. It was a young boy, maybe 12 to 14, and looked like a copy and paste of Eric.
"Mike!" Eric hissed. "Now it not the time!"
"It's alright", I told him. I was telling the truth. I wasn't angry that he had asked the question. I was just surprised, as I wasn't expecting it. "To answer Mike's question, I went to school with Alex and Kate. Kate is actually my best friend." As soon as I said those words, everyone starting whispering. I couldn't catch much, but I did hear, "three in one .... possible?" Finally, the tall woman decided that this had gone one long enough. She snapped her fingers, and an uneasy silence fell over the room. "Thank you," she said. "Now, who is the person that you barely know?" I scanned the room and saw them. I pointed at them, and said, "I believe that your name is Kai." The person that I pointed to looked around, and finally realized that they were being called out.
"Yes. Did I get it wrong?" I hated assuming things about others, and I would not use my power, no matter how much they strengthen it. Luckily, she shook her head.
"No, you got it right. I'm just wondering how you know me."
I wasn't going to explain something that was super personal to me, so all I said was, "Long story."
Before she could say anything, the woman beside me said, "That's enough. We will not ask Marie any more questions. She has had a long day, and we are all here to support her, no matter what she may do. Is that clear?" Everyone nodded, and for some reason, she looked right at Alex. When I finally got the courage to look at her face, she looked furious. After several moments, she said, "Dinner is in a few moments. I want you all to go to your rooms, and to rest your minds from what happened. We shall meet again soon." As we all left, she said, "Except for you, Mr. Gaines." I noted that her voice was incredibly cold. I wondered if she was going to kill him. But, I left before I could find out.
After several minutes, I heard the bell. I got up, as I was sitting on my bed, and went to dinner with the rest of the kids. I wasn't super hungry, mostly because I was worried about Alex. So all that was placed in front of me was a small salad. I poked at it, not wanting to eat. Finally, I heard the doors open and saw Alex walking in. I was so relieved, that I turned to eat. I was able to take a few bites before he tapped me on the shoulder. I managed to stuff everything from my last bite into my mouth before turning to face him. His face was a mixture of emotions. His face was set in a thin line, and his body posture indicated that he was angry. But his eyes held so much fear. I wondered what the woman had said to him. But before I could ask, he leaned closer and harshly said, "We need to talk." Before I could protest, he grabbed my wrist and started walking towards the door. Let's just say, I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen.