I looked at the range of emotions that crossed Alex's face. He was trying to come to the same conclusion that I had drawn, yet he seemed to be falling short. "Why do you think she's a mind reader?" he finally asked.
"There have been some situations where she's responded to what I've been thinking, without me ever saying anything." At this point, he started to laugh, as if he'd finally lost his mind. "What? What's so funny?" I was confused, and not very happy with him for laughing at me.
"That sentence explains everything. You see, you have a habit of speaking softly under your breath. Most of the time I can't figure out what you're saying, but it seems like she can."
I swore softly. This time, it was purposeful, not something that I did out of habit. "Of course, she can. But I had no idea that I was doing this."
"Of course not. Many times we aren't aware of our actions. that's why it's helpful to have someone we trust at our sides. To point these things out to us." As soon as I heard that voice, I froze. I turned around, and there she stood. She was at the top of the staircase, in a flowing white gown, with tight-fitting sleeves, a tiny waist, and a skirt that seemed to melt into the floor. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders in layers and waves. It was a deep chocolate brown in color, and her hair matched her eyes. She held a stick in her hand like a staff, and she radiated power. For some reason, I felt drawn to her. Like there was a rope tied around my waist and she was pulling me towards her. The strange thing was, I didn't even try to stop myself. I just moved towards her, my feet feeling so light like they weren't even touching the floor. I could've stayed like that forever, but I was jolted out of that peace when Alex grabbed my arm. I hissed and turned to face him. He had a hold of steel! It hurt so much that I gave a small whimper. But the pain soon gave way to anger, as I realized that he brought me out of the peace that I was feeling. A peace that I hadn't felt for as long as I can remember.
"What are you doing?" I cried. "Let me go. You're hurting me!"
"And I'm sorry. But right now, this is going to save your life."
"What do you mean?"
"I've been going to the cabin ever since I discovered my ability. Each weekend I would practice my ability. I learned to hone it and to trust it. And right now, I can tell that that is not her. I don't know who that is, or how she knows where we are, but we need to get rid of her, then get out of here."
Alex's words washed over me, breaking me out of my trance-like state. My mind was clearer, and I looked around the room to see what I could use. I saw that one of the candles was not cemented to the stand, and went to grab it. However, when I reached up for it, the flame burst upward into a column of pure heat. I threw my arms over my face, but I didn't feel the heat that I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, it was still hot, but my face didn't feel like it was melting off. I risked a glance and saw that Alex was shielding me with himself. He had a look of concentration on his face, and it stayed there for several seconds.
After what felt like forever, the heat became bearable, until it went to normal. But then all of the candles went out, and it became dark as well as cold. I couldn't see a thing, but I was aware of how close Alex was to me, and I was ok with the proximity. I liked having someone else with me in this chaos that had just enveloped us. But I could feel the fear and panic building in my chest. It started to rise, but before it could reach its high, Alex spoke. "Do you have your phone with you?"
"Are you seriously asking me that? Of course, I have it with me. I never go anywhere without it." As I replied, I took my phone out of my back pocket. I would describe it, but all that I remember is that it's an iPhone with a white case. I haven't remembered any additional information, because there was never any reason to. But that didn't matter, because just after I told him that, Alex broke my train of thought.
"Good. Turn on your flashlight. Let's see if we can find a way out of here." He barely got the words out of his mouth before we heard a bang. Alex looked up to where the bang had come from, and I turned on my flashlight. As soon as I held it up, I saw a tunnel leading away from the open space. Usually, I hate going into unknown spaces, but I've done that twice within 3 or 4 days. Once more shouldn't be that big of an issue.
"Come on," I urged, pulling at Alex. He looked back and saw the tunnel. Instantly, he stopped me from going further.
"Wait," he whispered. "We have no idea where that leads. It could lead to a death trap." There was another bang outside the tree.
"Well, there's most certainly a death trap out there. And we really don't have another option. So come on!" Alex looked back and forth between the door in the tree and the tunnel, gave a heavy sigh, and plunged with me into the tunnel.