
   Did you eat? Did you

             Sleep? I'm so proud of you!!!

Akaashi POV:

I woke up to my mom poking my arm. "Yes?" I said opening my eyes. "You guys need to get ready for school you slept through dinner and and all night." My mom said looking at me. "Oh and you have a practice match today later so remember that." I nod and wake up Bokuto who is still in my arms. It was so cute watching Bokuto flutter his eyes open. "Yes 'Kasshi?" he asked me yawning. "School Koutarou" He nodded and got up stretching. He picked me up wedding style and carried my upstairs. He put me down on my bed and got his uniform and went to the bathroom to change. "I-" I said as that happened so quickly. I got up and got my uniform while Bokuto came back."What are you doing up?" Bokuto said and looked at me. "Im not a child Bokuto im going to have to go to classes today anyway." I said and looked at him  un-amused. "That is true I guess but im helping you get dressed at the least. He said looking at me with a slightly pink face. My face flushed a bright pink. "No your not!" I said and tried to hide my face. "Hey im not trying to be perverted im just trying to help you!" Bokuto said and pouted. "Still a no." "Pleaseeeeee" Bokuto was begging me to let him help. "I- fine" I said my face still bright red. Bokuto walked over and started taking off my shirt and slipping on my white button up carefully.  After he helped me change he carried me downstairs and out the door. "I wanna walk so dont take your car ok?" I said as it was a nice temperature outside. Bokuto nodded and put me down. We walked to school just fine it was when Haruki saw me that it became chaos. "Omg Akaashi what happened to your wrist!?" Haruki said and ran over to me."Oh I'm fine" I said as If it didn't hurt to move it or touch it. Bokuto picked up on this and hugged me from behind not even touching my arm. "Bokuto you seem more attached to him than usual?"

Haruki said looking at him. Bokuto peaked his head up a bit. "He's special especially when he's in pain." Bokuto said before putting his forehead back on my shoulder. "Cute but what happened anyway." Haruki said looking concerned. "Well I fell down a flight of stairs while my parents were at work and woke up Bokuto." I said and looked down. "Oooo that must have hurt but Konoha waiting for me at the roof for breakfast,let me know if you need anything tho." Haruki said waving and walking away. "Will do" I said slightly nodding and waving with my other hand. "Do you want to eat?" Bokuto said getting off me and getting into my line of view. "No I think i'll pass today" I said giving a slight smile. "Why is something wrong Keiji? I can feed you." Bokuto said trying to get me to eat. "Nah im just not hungry right now." I said looking away "Ok so what do you want to do then." Bokuto said getting back in my sight of view. "Bokuto you have Morning practice go eat with Haruki and Konoha." I said looking away again. "But- fine" Bokuto said walking away with a slight frown. I sighed It was clear that I was upset but I wasn't going to tell him that. I started walking to my class early. I didn't want him to worry the littlest things can make him worry so I wont tell him until I can play Volleyball again. I entered my class went to my seat sat down and started reading.

Bokuto POV:

I walked up the stairs and sat down with Haruki and Konoha. "Where's Akaashi?" Haruki asked as he looked confused. "Yeah you guys are inseparable."  Konoha said looking at his best friend. "He said he wasn't hungry." I said that and my eyes went wide. I sounded so dull and come to think of it so did Keiji. "Wow are you ok Bokuto you dont sound ok?" Konoha said putting his hand on my shoulder. I flinched I didn't except to be touched. "Did you guys fight or something like that." Haruki said looking at me then his best friend. "No we didn't." I sounded so dull I didn't like it.  "You now were here for you right?" Haruki said with Konoha nodding. I couldn't even say yes I just nodded.

~Time skip brought to you by the breakfast I haven't eaten~

Akaashi POV:

The bell rang and I was released from my last class of the day. I still had to go to practice to make sure Bokuto didn't go into Emo mode. I grabbed my stuff and put it in my bag before getting up and leaving. I walked into the changing room and everyone stopped and stared at me before looking away. Everyone left and Bokuto stayed to help me change.After he did that he gave me a kiss on my forehead and brought me into a tight hug. I hugged back with my other hand "Don't stress this to much ok?" Bokuto said calm and quiet. I knew he knew something was wrong with me and he had actually figured out what it was. That struck me by surprise and a few tears fell from my eyes. "Hey hey no don't cry it's ok baby." Bokuto said hugging me tighter. "Thank you." I managed to say. Bokuto lifted my chin and wiped my tears before taking my hand and leading me to the court. He opened the door to see coach standing there. "What happened to your arm Akaashi? We leave for training camp tomorrow." Coach said looking a bit worried. 'I fell down a flight of stairs and sprained my wrist is all" I said looking down. "Yeah just be careful but you still have to go to tanning camp I hope you dont mind?" Coach said looking up at me. "Oh yeah no I don't mind." I said laughing a bit. Bokuto ran on the court already but wasn't able to hit Anahori's set and fell. "Bokuto what's wrong that's the 3rd time you missed my set and fell?" Anahori said looking frustrated. "I'm sorry I'm just worried about Kaashi is all." Bokuto said getting up. "Well try not to worry ok?" Anahori said still frustrated. I walked over to the bench and sat down criss cross for some reason. I looked more emotionless than usual.

~Time skip brought to you by Bokuto's cake~

"C'mon were all already packed let's go get dinner!" Bokuto said excited. I smiled at his stupidly wide smile. "Yeah!" Haruki said with just as wide of a smile as Bokuto. Bokuto wrapped around my shoulders trying to get me excited. "C'mon Kaashi let's go out!" Bokuto said kissing my neck. I smiled and laughed quietly. "I love youuuuuu!" Haruki said "I love you too!" Konoha said as they tightly hugged each other. We all started laughing at their bro-mance. Bokuto found a good place to eat as we started walking there in the cold air. When we finally got there we sat down and ordered. When we finally got our food Bokuto fed me the first bite and everyone Awed. It was cute but it made me a bit flustered which made them Aw even more until I got a hug from Bokuto hiding my face in his chest,as his smile was as wide as it could be. After we finished eating we all chipped in and paid and left. As we were walking Bokuto put his hand around my waist and in my pocket. I chuckled "Idiot" I said as I put my head on his shoulder and kept walking. When we finally got back to the school we went to the club room to get our bags and get on the bus so we could be there in the morning. We got on the bus and Bokuto and I sat next to eachother. I put my head on his shoulder and he pulled me in closer. He let go to grab a blanket from his bag and wrapped it around us. He kissed the top of my head before putting his on top of mine and closing his eyes. The bus started moving and after a bit I fell asleep and Bokuto did soon after me. When we woke up we would be at the training camp and would get to see Kuroo,Kenma,Oikawa,Iwaizumi,and Kurosano. I was excited but sleeping.

Yahoo~ So this took a bit to write with school and my friends and such. But this is one of the most tea filled chapters I think I will write for a while. And if your reading this, Thank you!!!!! It means alot with the reads that I get I don't think I have gotten any comments yet but when I do I will read them all and reply to all that I can

~Word count 1562~

-Your angry short person
