A Promise is a Promise!

Heyyyyyy queen! I hope your eating!! I hope you are getting sleep to!                                                                         Try and make friends i'll always be here anyway!

Akaashi POV:

I woke up with Kenma,Kuroo, and Lev gone. But Ko was still here with his head on my free arm. I smiled. I knew he got hurt to but he was here, with me. "I dont know if your still sleeping or if you can even hear me but, I'm so sorry Keiji its my fault you got hurt and I wasn't even there when it happened either. You mean the world to me you know that Keiji?" Bokuto was rambling again, I started chuckling "I love you to dummy." and with that his head shot up. He had tears in his eyes. The look of pure hope on his face was extraordinary. "Hey hey im not dead stop crying Ko." I took my free hand and wiped away his tears with his thumb. "C-can I have a hug Keiji" Bokuto said stuttering for the first time in months. I held open my arm and he snuggled up next to me. I was stroking his hair while he turned on the tv and looked for something good to watch. He found "The Notebook" and looked up at me. "Romcom?" Bokuto said booping my nose. I nodded and chuckled. I leaned over and grabbed something out of my bag that Kenma went and got. "open your mouth" I said to bokuto. He did and I put strawberry Pocky in it. "I forgot you knew my favorite also the doctor said you should be discharged soon."

~Time skip brought to you by my daydreaming~

"Hey how are you feeling!?" Kenma said poping up right next to me. "Jeez dont do that you scared me. But im better idk why but I still have to wear my jersey even tho I cant play-" I said looking at him as I walked out of the gym waiting for the next game to start. "Yeah no that makes no sense either." Kenma said. I stopped walking. "You good 'Kaashi?" Kenma said stopping and looking back at me. "You can have whole conversations now-?" I said shocked that he wasn't on his switch and said more than 4 words. "Oh um yeah I think my switch broke I dropped it when you fell and Kuroo has it somewhere I think." Kenma said continuing to walk. I started walking again a little fast to catch up."He-" Kenma suddenly hit someone. "Shut up Lev" Kenma said and started walking again. "I- sorry Lev I would help you up but your to tall I would need 2 hands." I showed him my other arm in a brace. "Ah its fine this happens all the time but this time minus yaku." Lev said laughing and getting up. "Cmon Akaashi!" Kenma yelled from up ahead. "Cmon Lev you can hang with us i'll make sure you dont get hit." I said running to catch up Lev running behind me. "Ew Lev." Kenma said with a disgusted face. "Stop it. Lev has feelings to and I know you know that I can almost bet that hes cried himself to sleep while being on the team because of you and yaku. so just stop. Being hated for no reason hurts really bad actually especially when the people that hate you, you really care about ok so cut it out." I said with a straight face the whole time. "I- sense when are you so serious." kenma said sounding judgey. "Sense I can tell that Lev is acting different and putting up a front." my words were sharp and harsh the only way I could get through to Kenma. "And how can you tell he seems fine." Kenma said looking frustrated with disbelief. "Because I've been through it and its terrible and I dont want Lev to cry himself to sleep like I did." my words were as cold as ice and sharp like a knife. I felt something wrapping around my shoulders only to realize it was a crying Lev. "Thank you..really Akaashi nobody has ever noticed no matter how many times ive had on a fake smile not even Kuroo.." Lev said as I turned around and returned the hug with my free hand. "Hey you have my number text me or call me and you will never be alone again I promise. "How can you promise something like that?" Lev asked sniffling. "A Promise is a Promise!" I said pulling away and smiling. "hey wheres Kenma?" Lev asked as I turned around. "Well he feels bad you look around im gonna go find Kuroo." I said waving for him to go as I ran back to the gym. As I swung open the gym doors I saw Bokuto and Oikawa turn to look at me. " 'Kaashi?" Bokuto said as him and Oikawa walked up to me. "Where's Kuroo." Was the only thing I said before he pointed to the other side of the gym where Kuroo was talking to Hinata. I ran over to him passing Suga and Daichi. "Kuroo!" I basically yelled. He turned his head confused. "Ye-" "It's Kenma he gone!" He didn't even let me finish before he was dragging my good arm and then we were outside of the gym. "I thought he was with you but he wasn't so I'm kinda panicing!" I said pulling my arm from his grasp a shaking it. He turned back and looked at me. " Why did Kenma leave he hated new places so what happened." Kuroo was serious I never really got to see this side of him it was new and scary. "I called him out for bullying Lev and uncovered some deep information about Lev and then he was gone." I said Kuroo looking me dead in the eyes. "Please don't kill me." I said putting my hand up like I was surrending. "Akaashi!" Bokuto yelled from behind me with Oikawa trailing him. "What happened? Why did you need Kuroo and run out so fast!?" Bokuto said his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah that's not very nice Kaashi-Chan." Oikawa said backing him up. "Kenma's gone." Kuroo said harshly. "Kenma's WHAT!?!" They both yelled. Before anyone could say anything Kuroo grabbed Bokuto's hand and took off. "You look with Kawa!" Was the last thing we heard from Kuroo. "I think I might know where he is." I took Kawa's arm and started running. "Call Kenma see if he'll answer." I said still running. Oikawa did that but there was no answer. After a bit of running we reached a park with a big Cherry Blossom tree in the back. "That tree in the back go there!" I let go and when we got there we saw the 2-towned hair boy sitting there one of his arms laying out and the other holding his knees to his chest. "Thank God we found you...Kenma..." "Call Kuroo let him know!"

Hiiiiii I decided to have a cliff hanger simply because I can. But anyway if you actually read this far, THANK YOUUUU!!! T^T I don't know why but reads mean alot to authors. Also comment any spelling and grammar mistakes because I found some and fixed them but not all of them. Stay safe was your hands!! Be Sakusa during Covid because it's just safer to just be a germaphobe. Love you byeee!!!!

~Word count 1284~

-Your sarcastic short person
