
Unclench you jaw, relax your shoulders, take a deep breath.

Bokuto POV:

I was stroking Akaashi's hair. He was finally calm. He had the air mask on. And he was still asleep. I'm not going to lie I cried so hard when we got here. Doctors say I'm lucky he made it. I grabbed his hand. Squeezed it tightly. He was ok. He was breathing still. My mom had gotten all of his and my favorite things and brought them to us. Right now Akaashi was under his safety blanket and had the teddy bear from his mom. I had my eyes closed and I was crying. "Bokuto?" I heard Akaashi say. "Akaashi?" My head shot up. "Yes Ko its me." Akaashi said with a smile

Akaashi POV:

Bokuto hugged me so tight. I could tell he was crying. My doctor came in and told me I could take the mask off so I did. And they were still waiting to get the results from something before I could be discharged. As soon as the doctor walked out Bokuto kissed me. It was a very passionate kiss. He was probably really worried. After Bokuto pulled away he hugged me so tight. So I just held him for a good 30 minutes before we heard a knock at the door. The door opened to revel Lev and Yaku. Yaku was crying. And Lev had flowers. "Lev,Yaku? What are you guys doing here?" Bokuto asked. "Well we were worried about you guys.." Lev said. "you guys? why were you worried about me?" Bokuto asked. "Well because Akaashi could have died and we knew it was possible that you could have a panic attack and pass out" Yaku said. "And if you werent breathing right then that could have led to you suffocating." Lev said looking down. "Were both alive and breathing." I said. My voice was still shaky from what happened in the last 24 hours. Bokuto looked over at me he had eye bags I could tell he didnt sleep last night at all. "Ko baby did you sleep last night?"  I said worried.  " No I didnt get any sleep.." Bokuto said looking down. "Come here darling" I told him as he did what I said. "Well were gonna leave the flowers here and let you guys relax." Lev said and put the flowers down. "Bye guys thank you" I said as they left. I looked down to see bokuto crying. "Im so sorry" I said. Bokuto's head shot up. "Hey hey dont be sorry" Bokuto said cupping my face. "Can we go to sleep baby?" I asked Bokuto. "Yes baby whatever you want." Bokuto said. "Can you come and cuddle me then please?" I asked him nervously.  "Of course baby whatever you want and whatever you need I am right here dont be afraid to ask for something." Bokuto said getting into a comfortable position. "Ok I will baby" I said closing my eyes. Bokuto made sure my wrist wouldnt get hurt. Then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with me.

~535 word count~

HAPPY!? I FINALLY UPDATED. Its half the normal chapters I post because im exhausted. so take what you got.
