Chapter 17: Let the Plan Begin! Anne All-Out Breakout!

I had been moving around the mansion like crazy since Wynter and I had split. Before splitting, he had informed me that basically every staff member here, with the exception of the guards, were captives.

In the beginning, I went about moving around stealthily in order to avoid the guards, but that became increasingly difficult once the son realized I had not been delivered. Not only that, but Wynter and Lyric must have also slipped away from the royals' surveillance, as they could not be found by the guards neither. This meant that security had increased its surveillance and alertness in order to find us three. Other than having to be more cautious, things seemed to be going to plan. I even made time to meet Felix in an unwatched area to receive the signal I'll be using to indicate the start of the attack. It was a simple canister that contained colored smoke. All I needed to do was pull the pin when everyone was in place and the assault would being.

Hours had passed and it was nearly sundown. Having passed the news on to as many people as I could, I made my way to the front courtyard. Waiting there was a crowd of 50 some people, which included men and women appearing as butlers, chefs, gardeners, dancers, maids, and other odd jobs. Each of them were fidgeting with a device that was on their wrists.

Just as I approached, Wynter and Lyric run over to me. "Anne, we got a problem," Lyric said. "Apparently, everyone here has this kind of device that's preventing them from leaving. As soon as they step beyond those gates, it'll deliver a powerful current throughout their bodies."

"Oh, you mean this," Wynter stated as he lifted his right hand up and pulled back his jacket sleeve, revealing the strange contraption. The metal device covered about a fourth of the forearm and had a red, glowing light that indicated it was active. "Yeah, this son of a bitch's ability is quite... shocking."

I slapped my forehead and growled, "You couldn't have told me that beforehand? Given me more time to figure something out?! Is there at least any way to disarm it?"

Wynter just gave a shrug and informed, "In theory, yeah. All you gotta do is take off the front faceplate to expose the wiring, and then cut them, I guess."

"If that's all it takes, why hasn't anyone escaped and taken the thing off," Lyric asked curiously.

"Psh, we all would have been long gone if it were that easy," Wynter started to explain as he took his device's faceplate off, revealing a series of multicolored wires. He took a couple of wires in his hand and attempted to yank them out, only to receive a jolt of electricity to run through him. He shook off the initial pain and looked back towards me with a sly grin. "If you tug on the wires too hard, it'll detect you trying to tamper with it and give out punishment. Some thought to use the kitchen knives, but they have all been dulled down just enough to cut the food, but not our wires."

I stared at his contraption while deep in thought. Lyric noticed my silence and started to worry. "So, what do you think," she asked while looking over everyone who had gathered. "I still think we should hide out somewhere and wait for ni-."

Before Lyric could finish her sentence, I turned to Wynter and instructed him to hold his wrist up. He did as instructed without hesitation. Focusing just above his head, I formed a small blade of air and shot it upward near his wrist, cleanly slicing the wires without any issues. Wynter was in awe as he looked at his wrist and said, "Well, I'll be damned..."

The crowd that had been watched began murmuring to themselves as Wynter proceeded to take off the device and throw it to the ground. Now having a majority of their attention, I cleared my throat, rose up into the air a little so all could see me, and yelled out, "Everyone! As you've already heard by now, today is the day you gain your freedom back! In just a few moments, we are sure to be found out by the guards and royals, but do not worry! Beyond these gates, there is a group of people that go by the name of the Revolutionary Army, and they are here to help you. Once the signal has been given by me, we shall bust through those gates and pass through the army waiting to defend you. What happens here at the mansion after we pass those gates is of no concern to you. The only thing you need to focus on is following me as I lead you to the RA's refuge ships. Now, if you are still wanting to go through with this, remove your device's faceplate and raise up your hands with the devices so we can get started. If you do not wish to join, feel free to turn around and go back."

Lyric and Wynter seemed to watch intently with curiosity of my abilities while the captives apprehensively followed my orders. Gazing over all of the wrists, I took in a deep breath and exhaled to begin a deep concentration. Focusing on the tops of all 50+ captives, I formed mini blades of air. It was somewhat difficult making so many at once in specific locations, but when I did, I shot the blades upward. Just as the wires were sliced, the manor doors slammed open. "What in blazes is going on here," the father of the mansion exclaimed as he, his son and a cluster of armed guards came rushing out towards us.

Grabbing the canister I had received earlier, I threw it up as hard as I could and used the air around it to break it open. Green smoke immediately burst out, creating a cloud floating in the air above the gates. In response, a separate canister on the other side of the gate was launched and shot by a gun, releasing an addition cloud of green smoke, signifying everything was set on their side.

Extending one hand out towards the gates and the other towards the incoming guards, I sent a blast of air out in each direction, blowing open the large gate and blowing the guards back.

On the other side of the gate stood a large group of armed Revolutionist, and even some villagers, with swords, spears and a few with guns. Dragon and his main crew were not among the group, as they were stationed at the village to protect the weaker villagers that could not fight. Felix and River were stationed at the rendezvous point to assist getting the captives onto the ship.

I looked to the stunned captives, cleared my throat, and bellowed, "Follow to freedom!"

I turned and began to lead the group towards the Revolutionists outside. The Army gave a roar as they charged forward, weapons ready. As my group drew closer to them, the army parted to allow us to pass through them and converged behind us once again, protecting us from behind as the guards attempted to chase after. The Army was easily able to keep the guards at bay as the noble man and son were screaming profanities at us.

Everything had been going smoothly as we entered the forest outside. As I led the captives through the forest, we were almost to the docks where Dragon's ship was, when I saw sudden movement in the corner of my eye. Just as I was about to blast whatever it was away, a familiar face came barging out of the shrubbery. We both went wide-eyed at the recognition of one another, stunned to see one another in a place like this.

"What in the-," my last former Marine teammate exclaimed. "Anne?!"

"No way," I stuttered in shock. "What are you doing here, Kai?!"

"We, the Marines, came to assist this kingdom and its citizens solve its current issues," Kai said cautiously. "But now that I've found you... Anne..."

"Wait, the Marines are here," I asked. Out of all the times for the Marines to show up and supposedly help the citizens here, why now? Was it just a coincidence they showed up while my crew and I were here?

"Anne, I..." Kai started to plead with a painful expression on his face. "Please, just... turn yourself in."

"Pardon," I asked, unsure if I heard him correctly. "I'm sorry, for a moment there, I thought the first thing you said to me after not seeing each other for so long was-."

"Turn yourself in, Anne," Kai painfully repeated. "Please, before it all gets any worse. If you do so now, you won't be punished as severely, and you might just get a slap on the wrist. Same goes for my brother and Felix! Just tell the Marines this was all some misunderstanding! We can still all fight together again and help people, just like this island! We can fix this. Think about the others you are also dragging into this by running."

"Kai, I SLAPPED a Celestial Dragon," I started to shout in frustration. How could he not grasp the situation? "That alone can warrant for an execution. Trust me, I would LOVE to fight by your side again, but as long as your dad has a say, that will never happen. I can never go back to the Marines as long as I breathe. The corruption is too deep for a few on the inside to correct. Instead, why don't you join us, and we can change it forcibly from the outside?"

Kai balled his fists tight before grabbing the twin chakrams on his hips. I could see the conflicting emotions on his face as he told me, "Anne, please, don't make me do this. You can still come quietly. I don't want to fight you..."

I let out an exasperated sigh before turning to the captives and barking, "Everyone! Get to the ship! Follow the path and you'll run into some people who'll help you board! Go!"

The captives were hesitant at first to leave my protection, but did as I said and began to take off, Wynter leading the way. Lyric took longer to take off as she looked between Kai and I, but left with the other captives. "Wait-," Kai tried to call out to the captives.

Before Kai could take two steps after the captives, I had already shoved him back with a force of air. "I can't let you do that," I glared. "Back down now, and I won't have to hurt you. I don't want to do this either, but I will. I won't let the Marine's near the weak, if I can help it."

Kai looked taken aback by my threat. "Why," Kai growled through gritted teeth. "We want to help them!"

"Then why did it take this long," I questioned. "Why does the World Government care about this little village NOW, after the Revolutionary Army and I are helping them? Why couldn't the government have fixed the problem before it got this bad? And if those people went with you, what then? Go back to being taken as products for an abusive government with overly heavy taxes on the poor? At least with the Army, they can choose the life they want!"

"Er, well," Kai tried to rebuttal, but failed to come up with one.

Realizing his excuses would not reach me, he decided to resort to violence. He rushed towards me, weapons ready, and attempted to force his chakram at me. However, I simply stood there as he tumbled through my air Logia-powered body. He continued to attempt to strike me for a solid minute, before I let out a sigh. Without even needing to use my powers, I side-stepped his last attempt, shoved him to the ground with my shoe on the side of his face, and pinned his arms behind him. "You don't learn, do you," I growled. "You can't do anything to me like this. Don't you realize you can't take me in?! Just drop it and come with us already! It's not too late! We'd gladly accept you with open arms!"

Just then, a green flare was shot off in the direction of the ship the captives were to board, signaling the last of the captives had boarded and they were setting sail. Kai cursed under his breath as he struggled. Seeing I wasn't going to convince Kai this encounter, I held both of his hands using spheres of air around them and told him, "Please, just... think about. I hope you'll be able to see the corruption for what it is, and when you do, we'll be here for you."

With a swift strike of my hand, I knocked Kai unconscious. Based on what he had said earlier, other Marines were bound to be on the island, so surely they would be able to find him shortly. Gently laying Kai's arms down, I jogged off towards the docks. Once there, I saw that the Army had, indeed, successfully launched the boat with the captives out to sea. Near the dock our boat was at, I saw a group of four waiting nearby. Felix was giving a bored yawn, River was tapping his foot nervously while looking around, Lyric stood holding her arm awkwardly, and Wynter seemed to be looking Felix up and down as if gauging him competitively with a glare.

"Anne," River shouted out gleefully as he ran over. "You're alright!"

"Well, of course! Who do you think I am," I teased as the other three joined River and I. "I take it everything went off without a hitch?"

Felix and River gave a nod. "For the most part," Felix was telling me before he pointed to Wynter and Lyric. "Although, these two refused to board. Demanded to wait for you, especially Snowflake."

"'Ey, watch who you're calling names, pretty boy," Wynter growled.

"Pretty boy? That the best you can do, Cum-head," Felix continued to mock.

"Do you wanna fucking go, Goldilocks," Wynter hissed.

Before things could escalate, I stepped in between the two and cleared my throat. "Okay, okay, simmer down children," I told the two boys as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I gestured as I introduced each person, "Let me introduce everyone, I guess. This is Felix, my first mate, and River, my second mate. We go back a few years, having been squad members for the same Marine company before we deserted. This is Lyric, who was taken at the same time I was. She's a musician looking for work that I decided to bring along Lastly, this is Wynter, or Wyn if you prefer, who had been a captive for years. And... I'm not sure why he's still here."

"Well, the thought of beating up some people and following you, Mami, sounds pretty intriguing to me," Wynter said with a sly wink. "After all, you take my breath away."

I rolled my eyes as I smacked Wynter on the head with a groan, "Don't tempt me. But can you even defend yourself?"

Wynter crossed his arms cockily as he proudly said, "I can kick ass if I need. I'm pretty handy with a knife and could easily be a blademan for your crew."

"You know what, whatever, do what you want," I sighed, unsure what to make of this guy.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Lyric and Wynter," River said with a welcoming grin. "Welcome to the crew."

"Oh, thank you very much," Lyric said with a polite curtsy. "I hope to get along with everyone."

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, we better report to Dragon," I reminded Felix and River.

Everyone nodded and followed behind as I walked towards the village. When we got there, Dragon and his crew were listening in on multiple com snails. He noticed us approaching and gave some of his men instructions as he handed them the snails. He began approaching us as well, meeting us halfway. "The mission has already reached a successful conclusion," Dragon informed.

"Well, that's great news! Taking down kingdoms is a lot easier than expected," River excitingly proclaimed.

"Do not get overconfident in a minuscule victory," Dragon scolded River. "The Revolutionary Army is at war to liberate kingdoms from the tyranny of the corrupt World Government. This was not even a fraction of what we are fighting for or against. The real fight is much more gruesome and challenging... but you lot played your roles in this perfectly. We wouldn't have been able to pull it off as smoothly as it went without your aid. And it seems as though your crew nearly doubled in size while here."

"I guess you could say that," I said with a smirk towards Lyric and Wynter.

"So what's going to happen to the villagers, the nobles and the island itself," Lyric asked.

Dragon informed us that the ones that had been rescued will be given the choice to join the Army or return to their village. The nobles will be turned over to the appropriate authorities that will ensure they will not be able to govern this or another island any longer. As for the island itself, the wealth of the island will be distributed in equity sense among the villages, and leaders of the island will gather to work out what kind of system they wish to develop. The island will be under the Revolutionary Army's protection from now on to prevent any corruption or World Government intervention while things are in development. "At this moment, a bulk of the Revolutionists are warding off the Marines on the east coast," Dragon updated us. "I would take this opportunity to head out, before they catch wind that you are here on the island."

"Thanks, for helping us and these people," I told him as my crew and I began to run off in the direction of our ship on the west coast.

"Don't forget, the recruitment offer will always stand," Dragon called with a slight wave farewell.

And just like that, I already had my first and second mate, a chef, a musician and a bladesman. Who knows, maybe in a year, we'll be setting sail for the Grand Line!