Hot Winter Nights

As Cedric was unpacking I decided that I had enough time to change into my pajama shirt, but unfortunately, I was wrong.

As I slipped the tight shirt off my body I looked at my fullsized mirror only to see Cedric staring at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think you're looking at Diggory?" I asked, laying my hands on my hips.

"Only a beautiful and perfect woman standing infront of me." he responded with a smirk.

I chuckled and slipped a loose pajama shirt over my head. He frowned but soon returned to unpacking his bag. I turned around to make sure I had no more suprise attacks by Cedric and slipped into a pair of fluffy pajama shorts.

Cedric was poking around my room like a toddler, his fingers running along anything he could get his hands on.

"Did you do this?" He chuckled, his finger trailing along a picture of us lined with vines and mistletoe.

"Maybe..." I giggle with a cheeky smile.

"What am I going to do with you?" he joked.

"You're going to love me." I pouted as I walked closer.

Cedric smiled as he pulled me in closer to him, his warm lips leading down my neck. My eyes closed and I let out a drawling sigh, moving in even closer to him, our bodies pressed together so tightly I thought we would stay like this forever.

"I want to stay with you forever..." he muttered into my neck as he trailed it up and down with kisses.

"Me too." I agreed, my breathing heavy.

I knew that we shouldn't be doing this, but it just felt so good. His perfectly soft lips nibbling and leaving messy kisses on my tender skin while his hands tightly gripped my waist.

My parents could never know he was here, or else I'd never be able to see him again, but I just cared for him too much to not be able to see him for over a week.

"Do you want me to go further, my love?" he asked sleepily.

"Yes," I obliged, my hand squeezing his.

"Are you 100% sure you're ready to do this? It's perfectly fine if you're not." Cedric assured.

"I've never been more sure, Ced." I grinned.

He held my face in his hand and lightly caressed it with his thumb.

"As you wish, my love."


My eyes fluttered open to see large white crystals of ice rapidly falling from the cloudy sky. I felt movement underneath me, and I looked down to see Cedric's face peacefully laying on the pillow. I layed on his bare chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist, keeping me against him.

To wake him I peppered his sleepy face with kisses, running my hands up and down his broad muscular shoulders. He grumbled as he stretched his arms over his head, his deep grey eyes meeting mine.

"Morning love." he grinned, his voice deep and gruff.

"Morning." I smiled back.

I rolled off of him and flipped off the covers, soon grabbing a random nightshirt and putting it on. As I walked over to the mirror, I could feel Cedric's eyes following me across the room.

"Keep it." Cedric chimed in.

"What?" I inquired, confused.

"Keep the nightshirt," he instructed, "it looks better on you."

I nodded my head in agreement blushing, soon walking over to the window.

Holy shit.

"Cedric!" I exclaimed.

His head jolted up and he looked towards me.

"What's wrong darling?" he asked.

"We're snowed in!" I replied in a panicky tone.

"No way." he marveled.

He rolled out of bed and slipped a pair of sweat pants on as he walked over to the window as well, flabbergasted.

Outside of the window layed 6ft of snow, completely surrounding the house.

"What're we going to do?" I inquired.

"Well I can't leave now." he smirked.

He spun me around by my waist and brought me close to him.

"But what about my parents?" I whispered.

"I can get out before they can get."

"How can you be so sure?" I stated, sitting backdown and fidgeting with my hands.

Whenever I get nervous, I usually play with my hands to try and calm any nerves that are present. Cedric walked over to me and cupped his hands over mine.

"Because I can apparate and they can't." he chuckled.

My hands finally started to unclasp and relax. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok, now that we have that figured out, do you want some breakfast?" I questioned.


I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of my bedroom, soon bringing him to the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Um, how about eggs and... bacon" he suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement and walked striaght to the fridge.

I grabbed the bacon from the bottom drawer and the eggs from a shelf soon making it over to the stove to begin cooking. Cedric had already placed two pans on it, one for the eggs and one for the bacon. I carefully placed the bacon on one and cracked the eggs on the other, and once they finished cooking I placed them on two plates and waited for the bacon to finish cooking. I placed both plates down on the table and waited for Cedric to join me from the kitchen.

"Ced you coming?"

"Yes honey, coming out in a second!" he yelled out of the kitchen.

He pushed the door open with two cups of steaming coffee in his hands.

"I made it just the way you like it -- a good amount of sugar, milk, and a dash of french vanilla creamer." he stated, placing it down and kissing my forehead.

It this what life is going to be like after I get married to Cedric?

Because if so, I can definetly get used to this.


Ok love you bye