The Chief was there, along with another unusual looking Goblin. This one was covered in blue tattoos and had piercings all over its wrinkly skin where it wasn't covered in rags. She wore a cuffed short sleeve jacket different from the rest of her clothing, much more finely made than anything else he'd seen the Goblins wear. The strange Goblin held up a staff covered in bones and small animal skulls.
"So, you have come at last..." she hissed from between missing and blackened teeth. "Ancient memory has been passed of your kind and yours from witch Goblin to witch Goblin for hundreds of generations, we always knew your evil never left this world. No matter, long have we been prepared."
The witch Goblin produced an object from its rags, a wooden carving of a wolf with its head trapped in a cage.
"See your end Beast!"
Eerie purple and green lights began to form and swirl around the carving, spinning faster as thick white mist began to materialize amongst the tents.
"Yes, that's right, you stupid dog, soon you will be mine and I will make you pay for what you did to me. You will beg me for death!" cackled the Chief Goblin prancing around beside the witch while one hand held his face together.
Rain didn't like where this was going in the slightest and deemed it a good time to abandon the plan. The mist was swelling, enough to hide his escape perhaps. He turned to flee but the carving abruptly began to whine, sharp, like a wolf's howl. The witch gestured and the green and purple coalesced into a flame that exploded forward like a lightning bolt and struck Rain in a fiery blast of painful light and white mist. Green and purple fiery shockwaves rushed up and down his body, burning…
Well actually that wasn't the case realized Rain as he looked down at his body that was exactly the same and not burning or in pain at all, whatever that just was had done nothing to him, at least physically.
The mist gradually dissipated and he was left standing facing the pair.
"Excellent!" crowed the Chief.
The witch looked slightly puzzled but raised a hand. "Dire Beast you serve us now and you shall be the foundation upon which our tribe shall rise, our slave warrior. Come to me."
Rain remained standing.
"I said come, come before me."
Rain hesitated then stepped forward. He came to a stop in front of the pair. The Chief was practically slavering with glee.
The Chief pulled a knife from his belt.
"I need payment for what he did to me, eye for an eye, well in this case more like eye for a lifetime of unending agony."
"Do not mortally wound it, I do not know of its ability, much has been lost to time about this creature. We have scant to go on."
"Of course, of course witchy, don't worry your little head, I've had plenty of practice cutting away bits a person doesn't need."
His knife wandered down until Rain felt it poking uncomfortably at his groin.
"No problem castrating it like we did to the big lug yes?"
"That... should be fine."
The Chief leered at Rain, his fucked up face making it all the more disturbing.
"Let's see how much spunk you have in you without your bollocks hrmm?"
The Chief started to press the knife, but then Rain's paw flashed up and snatched it from his hand and rammed it up through the Chief's jaw into his skull.
The Chief flopped down dead.
The witch stared at the dead Chief, expression frozen in horror.
"Guess I'm not the Dire Beast." He gave her a wolfish grin.