Rain was already wading toward her and with fear in her eyes she tried to desperately doggy paddle away. Rain caught her by the ankle and yanked her backward, swishing her back and forth through the water until a discolored stain started to form around them. He dragged her away from it to a fresh area and went to work rubbing down the spitting furious Goblin. Grab an arm, hold it out, rub his rough paw pads up and down like some kind of strange scrubbing stone until her skin glowed, grab another limb repeat, ignore kicking and thrashing.
He got quite into it though he did have another reason for being this callous. He was using it as an opportunity to search her for hidden weapons. Not that there were many places for her to hide one. She had a ragged shirt, he shredded that and it sunk into the depths. Loin cloth gone ripped off and discarded, breast wrap parted with a slice of his claw. She was butt naked and trembling in his paws as he moved onto scrubbing her back. He tried to remain as impartial and cold as possible but he was quickly becoming more aware of her curves. That breast wrap wasn't for nothing. He let out a rumbling growl as she tried to scratch at him and she froze.
He snorted and started on her hair. He doubted she had anything hidden in it but it smelled like a fish had somehow gotten lost and died in it. The amount of crud and half rotten food he combed out of her black locks beggared belief. He had to move to a new water spot once again just from hair gunk alone. He slapped a paw down on her head and dunked her under the water a few times just to sluice the last of it out.
Satisfied, he made his way back to shore.
"You absolute scumbag! I hope you die! I hate you! Look what you've done to me! I'm- I'm clean!!" spat the Goblin in fury from where she remained in the lake.
"I thought you said you were fierce."
She gave him a death glare.
"Gobbos are supposed to be dirty, the dirt is good!"
"You can come out of the water now."
"Fucking dog fuck fuck…" she grumbled, but waded from the water until water was running off her and she was shivering in the cold air, covering her bits with her arms and hands.
Rain eyed her, "I kinda thought Goblins would care less about nakedness, levelers certainly aren't fussed. Shared public baths."
"That's easy for you to say, I have no clothes!"
He gestured at his body. "I'm naked too you know."
She glanced at his body and Rain was amused to see her blush. "That's not fair you have fur!"
Rain scratched his nose and shrugged. "I guess we can find you something."
He wandered toward the camp again and after a moment she followed after him
"You know I don't think you told me your name."
"...It's Opal."
"That's… a surprisingly nice name for a Goblin, I was expecting something guttural like 'Argg'. My name is Rain."
"Gobbos name themselves. Why would I pick a shitty name like that?"
"Fair enough. Oh, and fair warning, I'm going to be eating Goblin now. You might not want to be here for that."
"I want to see. And I want some too."
Rain suddenly turned and stared at her. "Goblins are cannibals?"
"Yes? Why wouldn't we be? No monster doesn't eat their dead in the dungeon, that would be a stupid waste of resources." She gave him a slightly incredulous look as though she couldn't believe a monster like him didn't know that was the norm.
"Oh. That makes a certain horrible amount of sense..."
Rain found his way to the pile of bodies and began carefully picking his way through them.
"Here, strip each body I bring. You can take any of the clothes you like. If I catch you picking out a weapon though I'll break your neck."
"I know, I know," she grumbled as she got to work pulling off bits of clothing, belts, weapons.
Reasonably quickly the Goblin clothed herself. It wasn't until Rain pulled out the witch's corpse that she made a sound, she gasped.
"She was important?" said Rain.
"Y-yes. She wasn't one to be crossed. She could magic your skin inside out if you made her mad enough. I don't know, maybe she can do something in death."
Rain kicked her corpse and it rolled over to Opal. "Seems pretty dead to me."
The Goblin flinched away. "Hey!"
Opal hesitated then knelt down and began stripping her. It took awhile due to the number of piercings the old witch had, she got tired of trying to fiddle them off and ended up tearing the rest free. She didn't hesitate to take the witches jacket however and swiftly replaced it with the ragged thing she had found earlier. It fitted her well, a short sleeve crop jacket open at the front, well made. If Rain was one to judge it had been originally stolen from a halfling or other small leveler species and was not Goblin made.
"You can eat that one by the way. She doesn't look very nice to eat."
"Oh, thanks, think I might starve then," grumbled the Goblin eyeing the unappetising looking witch.