"This tribe is one my old tribe sometimes fought. There was always lots of bad blood between us, that's normal for Gobbos, but recently they started to win all of the battles."
"Really? What changed to make your tribe start losing."
Opal pursed her lips. "Half-goblins."
Rain tilted his head. "As in half Goblin and half… something else?"
"Yes, they aren't picky. Look."
She pointed from where they hid upon a rock shelf overlooking a cavern filled with lush foliage and jungle trees. A sandy dirt road of sorts wound through the centre of it and ended at the entrance to another cavern. To either side of the entrance were a pair of guards holding spears. They were taller than the average Goblin, at first Rain had thought they were Hobgoblins but on closer inspection he realised that they had non-goblin features. One had some Human like features, tall, a beard, long black hair, hairy arms and chest. The other had the upper body of a particularly large Goblin but its lower body was that of a snake, a Lamia.
"They look strong. Why didn't they conquer your tribe?"
"We've fought Half-Gobbo tribes before, I even have some tribal memories of past Gobbos doing it. The reason that smart Gobbos don't make their tribes into Half-Gobbo tribes is because they always always die out, they go extinct. We just needed to outlast and avoid this one and the problem would take care of itself."
Rain furrowed his brow. "Really? Why would they die out?"
"Think about it. A bunch of half breeds are born who are stronger than regular Gobbos. What happens? They take over the tribe. Then to keep the Half-Gobbo faction strong and in control they breed with more non-Gobbos. If they are breeding with strong monsters they eventually kill the regular Gobbos and split up because they are not tribal monsters. If they are breeding with levelers sooner or later a half who can level is born who then takes over the tribe from the half breeds. The leveler eventually kills every monster in the tribe for levels, as levelers do, then leaves for the surface. You wouldn't think it would be that way every time but it always is. Half-Gobbo tribes get outbred and burn out."
"I suppose it would have to have happened that way or there would be no regular Goblin tribes left."
Opal began pulling things from the rucksack the Kobold carried.
"I used to scout this place sometimes for the tribe, keeping an eye on what they were doing. I think we can take it but… I need some information."
She pulled out a simple brown travelling coat with a hood that had belonged to the Halfling tracker then removed her swords and jacket and swept the coat over herself. She then grabbed a palmful of dust and dirt and rubbed it over her face.
"I'm going inside to see."
"What? No way. That's far too dangerous."
The Goblin snorted. "I'm just another little Gobbo to the halfs, they won't give a shit, it'll be fine."
"It's too risky."
"You want to eat and become strong? You said yourself that Inquisitor is going to come for you. You have to be ready."
"I… just... just be careful," said Rain sighing.
Opal flashed him a white-toothed grin. "Easy. Now watch."
"W-wait, you can't leave me alone with him!" whimpered the Kobold, chained to a rock behind them.
Opal flatly ignored that and slipped down from the rock shelf and disappeared into the jungle foliage, climbing down a tree to reach the ground.
Rain watched silently as the hooded figure of Opal made her way out of the brush and onto the road and then hiked her way up it to the round opening guarded by the two Half-Goblins.
They pointed their spears at her and barked a command. Rain nearly leapt off the shelf to go after her but with difficulty managed to control himself, his claws scoring the stone as he held himself back. Opal meanwhile put on an act filled with simpering body language. She nearly fell to her knees she was so supplicant, repeatedly nodding her head and pleading with her hands. One of the halves eventually laughed and shook his head. He knocked the other's spear aside and she was allowed in. She entered through the circular tunnel and disappeared.
Rain leant back against the rock with a sigh. He rested his arm on his knee and settled in to wait.
About an hour later she returned and scrabbled back up the tree and leapt onto the shelf discarding the cloak.
"Okay. I got what I needed. This should be easy breezy. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully…. I think."
"What did you see?"
"A big cavern, but not open, it's nearly all filled with trees as I thought. That's what makes me think we can do this. All the trees mean they can't fight in a big group or find us easily."
"Makes sense. I can probably take on any Goblin or Half-Goblin one on one, just not the whole tribe at the same time."
"Exactly. The only problem is that Gobbo tribes always have multiple escape routes, it's how you got into my old tribe's camp remember? So while we can get in and take out a few of them most of the tribe will flee and vanish into the dungeon if they think they can't win."
Rain snorted. "You found all the escape tunnels didn't you."
"Yuss. There's three of them, not many, but this is a very defensive tribe for Gobbos. They made a lot of enemies by being so aggressive and bloodthirsty."
"We sneak in, block all the exits then kill the tribe bit by bit while they have no escape. You're getting scarily good at thinking up traps."
She grinned. "I know." Then pursed her lips. "Though there are some strong looking Half-Gobbos in there. This Gobbo tribe is wow, so slutty. They really banged anything they could get their grubby little hands on."