The Lamia muttered to herself and seemed to be examining trees. This went on until she came to a tree that she seemed to approve of. She looked up at it and sighed.
"Fucking leggy bastards have it so good. If only they knew how much of a pain in the tail it is to pass water with a body like this and not get any on you."
She shook her head then pulled herself up and over a low hanging branch so that her front was facing the ground and her 'hips' rested on it.
"Ah, that should be good. Oh gods, who is that, hey, I can hear you you know! Do you mind! I'm trying to go here!"
Rain walked around from behind her and looked at the awkwardly compromised Lamia-goblin hanging over the branch, her head at a height with Rains.
"Uhm. Hi. Can I, uh, help you?"
Rain pulled back his lips showing his teeth.
His jaws flashed through the air and he tore out her throat. The Lamia-goblin gurgled blood and her eyes rolled back as she slumped over the branch like a wet rope.
Opal rested a hand on the snake part of the Lamia's body and chewed her lip, thinking.
"I'm wondering if we didn't so much trap them in here with us but trap ourselves in here with them. That Cavebear-or whatever-goblin is huge and very strong looking. It's not too late, we could still escape."
Rain snorted. "Hell no. I came to eat and grow strong or die trying. I want the strength to punish those who wronged me. I want to frighten the arrogant and slaughter those who would try to stop me. I want the size to terrify those who I injure so that they never come back... I want to eat this entire tribe."
Opal smiled then laughed. "Well alright, you've convinced me."
They crept back to the camp where the other Half-goblin monsters rested. The remaining Lamia-goblin was busy arguing with the Cavebear-goblin and getting increasingly angry as the Cavebear-goblin was implacable.
"I've already told you, get it into your thick skull, basic Gobbos are our lessers! If they weren't then we wouldn't have been able to take over the tribe with such ease. They basically worship us for gods sake!"
"Not better. Same."
"Look at you, you're like ten times their size at least! You could roll over and kill one in your sleep! Hell, I've seen what you do when we raid Gobbo tribes. They're basically insects to you!"
"Not insects. Same. Be good."
"I am good, I-"
The Cavebear suddenly held up one claw filled paw. The group stared at her.
"Something wrong."
The Lamia-goblin was completely thrown off and could only look at her with his mouth hanging open.
"H-hey, didn't she say something like that just before her mother escaped?" said the Diredog-goblin
"What?" The Lamia looked down and blinked.
"It's just something she said. Hey, Where did your sister go? She's taking kind of a while."
"Hmpph. Not long for a Lamia, you wouldn't believe how much a pain in the tail it is to-"
The Cavebear-goblin suddenly stood up to the surprise of the group.
"Uh, what's she doing?"
"I don't know do I! Maybe she's going to check on sis."
"Would you lot calm down, I'm trying to cook here. Let the damned bear have her way." grumbled the Human-goblin.
The group watched in silence as the Cavebear-goblin strode around the fire and toward where Rain and Opal were secreted.
She delicately pushed apart the foliage and peered down.
Rain dropped on her head from the tree he had climbed and tried to bite down on her neck.
Unfortunately, he'd underestimated her. The bear whipped her head back before Rain could get a real bite on her broad neck and she flung herself down rolling onto her back. Rain looked to his side in surprise as a pair of Cavebear feet hurtled toward him and belted into his stomach with a thump. With a whoosh of released breath he was launched into the air toward the camp. He came down rolling but not stunned. He turned the roll into a half leap half flail and landed on top of the Human-goblin. The Human-goblin yelped and they both went sprawling, rolling over each other and throwing wild blind punches. Blood flew through the air, but not Rains, the Human-goblin was having difficulty harming Rain's tough body and Rain swiftly pushed home his advantages. He grabbed the Human-goblin's arms and shoved them aside, stopping him from defending himself as he ripped his face off spraying gore across the ground. The regular Goblins took one look at this and ran screaming into the jungle.